Genesis Fic

rabid_plotbunny posting in Genesis Fic
User: [info]rabid_plotbunny
Date: 2008-05-28 18:21
Subject: Opening Post!
Security: Public
Mood:hopeful hopeful
Tags:!admin, !rules

[info]genesis_fic is a place to post general or yaoi/slash fanfiction, art, etc. featuring Genesis Rhapsodos from FFVII: Crisis Core.

Ground Rules:
1) Keep it FFVII-related. This includes compilations (Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Advent Children).
2) LJ-cuts: Images go behind a cut, please. Icon posts can have a few (no more than 4) teasers outside of it, but the bulk has to be LJ-cut. Fanfiction should have the header outside the cut, everything else behind.
3) Label posts appropriately; especially the 'warnings'. They're supposed to be there for a reason.
4) Abuse of other members will NOT be tolerated. At all. Period. You will get one, and I mean one warning. Do it again and you will be removed. If you don't like what someone writes, don't read it. Plain and simple.
5) Have fun! (Yes, it's a rule!) ~_^

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