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(friday night) [Jun. 21st, 2008|01:43 pm]

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summary! In the spirit of being evil and shit, Milo decides to tell his father what he really thinks on certain topics.

It's three in the morning. )
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E-mail time [May. 8th, 2008|09:26 pm]


To: Emma Frost & Sean Cassidy
From: Val Cooper
Subj: Be Ready
Attachments: map.doc

Goings on in the SL. Generators are powering up and we don't know why. Keep your jet gassed and ready to go. The feeling around the office is that it's a mutant problem; send the mutants to deal with it. You'll find a map attached showing where the power signal is emanating from, why yes, the power signal would be coming from one of Magneto's old hidey holes.

-- Val Cooper
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Email: P. Parker to J. Murdock [Apr. 25th, 2008|03:16 pm]
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To: [ Murdock, Jack ]
From: [ Parker, Peter ]
Subject: none

you have one (1) new message )
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email: St. John to Richard [Apr. 17th, 2008|05:58 pm]

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To: [ Fisk, RW ]
From: [ Allerdyce, St. John ]
Subject: 2 questions on Joan Allerdyce & Powers Training )
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E-mail: Casey to St. John [Mar. 26th, 2008|11:18 pm]
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To: [ Allerdyce, St. John ]
From: [ Carter, CB ]
Subject: yo sup )
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narrative - Andi and Alison arrive [Mar. 24th, 2008|09:25 pm]
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Gawd! I can't wait until I'm 18! )
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[Mar. 12th, 2008|08:14 am]
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Who: Chester & Sean
When: March 11 2033
What: Chester is taken to meet with the commanders!

He didn't like it when words had more than one meaning. )

Open to Sean!
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[Funeral Narrative – One Week Ago] [Mar. 10th, 2008|02:51 pm]

The death of Charles Xavier wasn't a shock. It didn't come about because of violence, it was simply time, and the man had lived a long, and very interesting life. So no, it wasn't a shock. It did, however, feel in some ways like the end of an era. He had been a teacher, mentor, father figure to many, and a symbol to many others.

The funeral was held at a Church in Westchester, and his ashes where scattered on the grounds of the old school. A memorial statue was to be erected at the new school.

Those who had known the man well gave a few speeches, and then when all was said and done, the students and staff of The Academy who had attended the funeral, returned to their school.

With the death of Charles Xavier, Emma Frost and Sean Cassidy were now truly in charge.

ooc: there will be an open log posted in a wee bit that will officially kick off the game.
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