April 12th, 2008

[info]aristoboule in [info]general_asylums

NSFW Icons


This community features icons that are not safe for work and focuses on erotica and kink. Our rules can be found here. Because of the explicit nature of the icons and graphics, you must be 18 or older to join. When you put in your request to join, we'll go to your profile page and see if your FULL birthdate indicates that you're of age: your year of birth MUST be displayed. If your date of birth isn't displayed we won't let you in. So make sure your birthdate is visible when you apply, and at least until we've given you access. If you receive a rejection notice after applying, it's because you are either not 18 OR you do not have your date of birth displayed in your profile. "Watching" the community will not allow you to view posts unless you're also a member.
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[info]aristoboule in [info]general_asylums



[info]archaeology is a place to discuss archaeological topics and news, no matter the continent or time period. Rules are posted here.