Muns Gone Wild! - June 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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June 30th, 2008

[Jun. 30th, 2008|08:41 am]
Hey guys, we have some new characters, so please run the frineds button, eh.

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[Jun. 30th, 2008|09:56 am]
See this? This is the sound of my self control, stabbing itself in the face. To death. And bleeding out ever so slowly.

ANYWAY, this is Tuesday Johnson. :D She's the daughter of Cloak and Dagger, except Cloak got swallowed by the ~darkness~ when she was 7, and then Dagger went all Juliet and died right after him because of light poisoning. ...Yeah. Seriously. Try telling THAT to the cops when they pick you up from the hospital when your mommy dies, right? Anyway, Tuesday was adopted by some Jewish people in New York City. Here's the really important stuff, in a nutshell, if you don't feel like popping over to her profile:

--> Came to the school at 12 (about 11 years ago)
--> Left at 18 (about 5 years ago)
--> Came BACK at 23 (about ... now)
--> Has as associates degree in nursing, which ... does NOT make her an actual nurse, it means she's halfway to BEING an actual nurse, but she's obsessive with school so she's pretty good with what she DOES know.
--> Phases her body into different types of light in the spectrum (ultraviolet, microwaves, infrared, etc). The profile explains what that means waaaay more clearly. With bolding.
--> Has a special ~healing light~ form (y'know, like Dagger's, um ... daggers). But it comes with a catch. It's like a band aid, kinda. She can heal things in a pinch, but after a couple hours, you go right back to the way you were. So if you break a bone, yeah, go to Tuesday and get that patched, but ... seriously, go to Duckie or get it set or you get to feel it break aaaaaall over again.
--> She still has Daddy's cloak. What that means or what Tuesday can do with it is a ~surprise~.
--> Lastly, I ~abuse tildes~

Okay, now I'm done. This was Krim, and you're watching the No Self Control Network.
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