Muns Gone Wild! - June 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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June 22nd, 2008

OOC-ness – please read! [Jun. 22nd, 2008|11:46 am]
1) Kidnappings are a go – which basically means your kids are kidnapped as of now. There gone baby gone. You can RP it out, say it happened, what have you. The villainous peeps are obviously gone too.

2) Ali has some more information for the characters in the woods here!

3) There will be posts for the Mojo action tonight / tomorrow morning. In the meantime, feel free to RP out your kidnapped peeps, or your evil peeps in a kind of Mojo Green Room. They'll be heading to their sets before the calvary arrives, but in the time before that RP if you wanna.

4) The journal system is down, but don't worry those left at home they have walkie talkies -- or the future like equivalent of those.

5) Last and very much least, I changed Heather's PB to Aimee Teegarden.

Questions? concerns? Rotten tomatoes / other vegetables to be thrown? do it here.
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Plot Post! [Jun. 22nd, 2008|07:35 pm]
Okay folks this is how it will go, we have the Villians:

"Evil" X-Men: (and MojoIV gives them 'evil' names, because it's TV, babay!)
Dane LeBeau - aka "Dirty Vegas"
Charlie Cooper - aka "Claws McCann"
Heath Cameron - aka "Stain"
Joan Allerdyce - aka "Hellfire"
Jude Dahl - aka "Dem Bones"
Rosie May Kincaid - aka "Dada's Little Hellion"
Milo Petros - aka "Bad Vibrations"
Pete McCoy - aka "Fury"
Jake Moonstar - aka "Kills You"

(if you trul hate the names that we came up with ... give us a better one!)

And we have the kidnappees:

Andi Storm
Elisa D'Ancanto
Ren Nohara
Janis Jones
Max Guthrie

But where oh where are they? Well they are on Earth at Mojoian Movie Studios and split up like so:

1. Old West.
villains: Dane, Joan
victims: Max Guthrie
heroes: Eiko, Richard,

2. TV sitcom apartment.
villains: Pete, Milo
victims: Janis
heroes: Ryan, Wes, Phil, HULK

3. Post Apocalyptic Setting.
villains: Charlie, Heath
victims: Ren, Elisa
heroes: Jay, Terry, Alison

4. Children's Show set (Think Pee-Wee's playhouse).
villains: Rosie, Jake, Jude
victims: Andi
heroes: Sarah, May, Cooper, Bart

Please comment below with A) what scene you want your Heroes to be in, but PLEASE make sure the heroes get balanced out? Let's face it, it would be sad if there's one person on their own, having to do all the work and B) let us know what characters of yours (NPC's, Team members, New Mutants -- because yes, Sean and Emma are sending any kid who wants to go too, they need all the fire power they can get) are going. Obviously, Jory and Kelly have their folk up already.

The RP post for this will be up tomorrow.
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