Muns Gone Wild! - May 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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May 29th, 2008

[May. 29th, 2008|05:08 am]
Sup all. My name is Shay and this is my character Adrianna or Andy for short, whichever. She's Elisa's half-sister through their father (but know one knows that yet so shh) and came to the school to met her. She's a telepath and can read minds. Right now that's pretty much all she's able to do. Anyway, if you want to know the full details you can check out her bio in her journal. And if you want to know more about me, you can IM or email me at steals my sunshine on aim or
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[May. 29th, 2008|10:31 am]
Hi all, sorry about this week, vacation messed with me for a while. But! I am back and have my RP list at hand for you all to say "Let's DO IT!"

Evelyn Richards + Dane LeBeau= helping with shopping
Dane LeBeau, Ben Parker, loud music In progress!
Dane + Andi + karaoke (RP with myself? Can I do it?)

Joan/Andi: homework
Charlie/Joan/Andi: fire extinguisher

Eiko/May + bra swapping
Jack/Eiko: Christmas tree tinsel
Eiko Logan + Ben Parker= getting home in time for dinner

Christian + Wes Barton = ... No idea!
Phil/Wes: pigeons - In progress!!!
Dave/Wes: windows

Truth or Dare - GAWD PLEASE

NPC!Ali Blaire, Chester Centino, a map of Australia
ALL the parents out drinking - GAWD PLEASE
ALL adults Truth or Dare

If there are new ones wanted on that list tag here! and we'll get those going! Oh and my computer time will vary for the next couple weeks. But if you really REALLY need to tag me, try the evening, it's the best bet, I just may be bogged down with work.
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[May. 29th, 2008|02:47 pm]
Hey all, Di here with another pup (I went a long time resisting the urge, but the game is addictive), Jude Dahl, son of Marrow (though he doesn't exactly know it since he was given up for adoption -- he has his suspicions though, based on what he's been able to learn of her). In a nut shell, he had a good life until he was 13 and found out he was a mutant, which his adoptive parents didn't take to too kindly. He ran away, spent 3 years on the streets and then was dropped off at the academy at 16, by Marrow, though he thinks he hallucinated the whole thing, since he was badly injured at the time. He graduated two years ago and went to culinary school, he's now back as the chef for the school. He can manipulate his bones and heal himself.

I'd love for someone to take up the role of his former roommate, he was at the school for 2 and a half years, 2 years ago. He has been around on and off since then, specifically for Charles' wake, but for the most part stayed in Vermont where he went to school. He'll be joining the X-Men, since he's so not stealthy. Also, he's turning 21 on Friday and expects a nice bar crawl. ;)

Yes, his PB is Drake Bell who is actually 22. Total baby face. I just couldn't' resist playing a little guy with strong offensive powers.

always open for IMs: Awfrellme, or email: 3lbsponge[at]
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[May. 29th, 2008|04:54 pm]
Hey everyone, Jade again. I couldn't help it and created a new character. This is Anna, she's the daughter of Magma and Match. She's fiery like both her parents (as if the hair wasn't an obvious give away). From her mom she gained the ability to shift tectonic plates and from her dad, can control fire.

If you want to know more about her, you can read her full bio here.

I can't wait to get her active and start setting things on fire playing with others.
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