Muns Gone Wild! - May 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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May 14th, 2008

son of the OOC post [May. 14th, 2008|08:21 pm]
1) Because I'm kind of slow (sorry guys) the 'Day Two' savage land post will be going up tomorrow (or else later tonight). So time may have to become . . . flexible for our Savage Land stranded peeps. Preview though: When T-Rex's attack.

2) There will be a post tonight regarding what is happening for our New York bound mutants. There will be a news report, followed by an Emma and Sean journal post, followed by a general meeting log. Some people are going to start some shit, and get away, but Emma and Sean are going to be putting those who are at home on standby. Yes, that means the kids. Yes, Emma and Sean have had some . . . . not so good luck with sending kids out into danger, but hey, someone has to save the day!

EDIT: Damn my inability to proof read .. it means the kids, and everybody else whose hanging 'round the school.
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