Muns Gone Wild! - April 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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April 23rd, 2008

modly blather [Apr. 23rd, 2008|09:15 am]
Update your friends list please!

Also, I am terribly behind in some mod-housekeeping stuffs, but that should be tidied up tonight / tomorrow. I've been working on the summaries (y'all have written a LOT.) and I'm tagging the entries as I go … but if you could start tagging your logs (first and last name of your character)? It would be awesome.

(I may have mucked up some of the tags in the past … I know I had names spelled wrong, and than I kept changing how some of them where displayed ... and I also had it set that only the mod could make new tags ... but that part's fixed. And thus ends my boring little spiel about my bogus adventure in tagging).

-- Kelly
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I still can't get over his name. NORMIE. [Apr. 23rd, 2008|06:40 pm]

With Normie Osborn. Because I take easy to suggestions. He's rich, bitch. And maybe a little crazy. Oh, the time he kidnapped May? Eh. Or his scary REVENGE/KILL SPIDEY tattoos? Eh.

His insanity is muted for now. "Just visiting," and will gladly buy the school new stuff. Out of boredom. Normie doesn't have any powers ... just a vendetta and slight telepathy blocks.

He's obviously a Spider-Man villain/friend, but don't hesitate to throw other people at him. I'm guessing he knows all the other Rich-and-Powerfuls-Celebrity-Types here.
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