Muns Gone Wild! - March 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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March 19th, 2008

Whee! [Mar. 19th, 2008|11:34 am]
[Current Mood |artistic]

Hey all!

Now that I can see the contact list, I realize I know a LOT of you. ;)
I'm Ricky or RK and this here is the son of Maximus (The Mad) and Medusa of the Inhumans. He has a very long, convoluted history and he's rather ornery and contrary. He's real fun to scene with, though, because he's just not a simple guy. :)

I'll be bringing him in tonight, hopefully, but I look forward to RPing with everyone. Please ping me at AIM: battlescars108 or gchat openupsayeh.

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Last but not least... [Mar. 19th, 2008|05:43 pm]
This Cooper Baldwin. Son of Robbie Baldwin (Speedball) and some hot librarian named Helen. He can make a kinetic field around himself (which extends to his feet, so he may be slipping and sliding around), but he can control it and shoots out kinetic 'pods' that are yellow, pink, white and blue (just like Daddy Dearest). These will make cntact with the force of a riot beanbag gun. If they hit a surface with n give, then they just bounce around like crazy. He's been at the school for a few months.

Uhm, and his dad is a total masochistic now and apparently it's genetic (except being a bit of a sadist), so if Coop ever is seen with dark black circles under his eyes? Best to stay away. They tried drugs but they didn't help any. Luckily, it hasn't happened in a loooong time, but the staff knows about it just in case. He typically fun and bouncy (pun intended). He's doing some correspondence courses for college, but would much rather be a lazy good for nothin'. His bio can be found HERE. his hair is unruly, so expect him to be sportin' hats a lot.

Make with the merry and he will gladly be friends with almost everyone (and maybe cause a minor catastrophe here and there just for fun).

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[Mar. 19th, 2008|08:01 pm]

2) Groups for the Baxter Building are behind the cut. With some additional OOC commentary.

The Groups! )

3) Just a reminder, logs of any sort (threads, AIM logs, things done over e-mail, what have you) go in the [info]gen_m_logs community, while narratives, newspaper articles, newscasts, ect go in [info]generation_m.

That's it! I think! The in character Baxter Stuff is coming soon!
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