Muns Gone Wild! - March 11th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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March 11th, 2008

re: Teams! [Mar. 11th, 2008|01:05 pm]
OK, so we are playing catch-up here and managed to get the teams squared away... At least I hope so.

Could you all scope out the names here and make sure we got it right? Also, as I (Jory) am guilty of this, but we have a few missing codenames. Now, as New Mutants, there is really no need for them yet, but the X-Men and X-Factor peeps pretty much do need one. If you can't come up with any, ask us on an OOC note, or even a log with other characters, perhaps that'll help.

Once we get those details squared away, we'll be having some action for those teams.:-) Oh, and if anyone has great ideas for action too, tag us on PMs, email, IM or here!
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GREETINGS EARTHLINGS! [Mar. 11th, 2008|07:28 pm]
Heyo, Carla here with the future empress of the Shi'ar Empire, Chial. She's got her dad's nose... or it's just leftover bird DNA that gives her a bit of a beak.
You remember all those years that Xavier was 'consort' to Lillandra? That's right, he was a kept man for quite some time! And eventually it was his duty to please that booty to help the Shi'ar Empress to produce an heir. Or ... heiress.
And here she is! Just... in time.
In any case, read a bio, poke at some icons, turn this journal inside and out and see if you wanna meet the (future) QUEEN OF SPACE.
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GUESS WHAT [Mar. 11th, 2008|07:44 pm]
I have a new guy! This is Andrew with Chester (named after his favorite Cheeto cheetah) Centino. He is actually the product of the original Longshot DNA and a petri dish from Mojoworld. Remembering her love, Spiral stole the baby Chester and brought him to earth. He was raised on a small island with none of the awesome things like running water and Twinkies (or rice, for that matter). He was raised and trained by Spiral, which made him just as efficient as the original. But, since Longshot was a rebel, he was killed long before Chester was made, and Spiral took Chester before his mind had fully developed in the gestation period. He appears to be in his mid-twenties, but he has the mental capacity of a teenager. He arrived TODAY, and is currently learning the ways of the mansion from Philip McCoy (his automatic BFF). The only differences between Chester and Aurthur is that Chester doesn't get thoughts from people when he touches them and doesn't have the whole 'alluring people' that his father did. Other than that, all's the same. He's bouncy, and fallible, so if people want to call him on his stupidity, be prepared to have three blades held against their necks. He doesn't know anyone's heritage because...he's been living off fish and making waste in a hole for the last couple decades. Spiral was found because her energy dance to mask them started to go lazy and she teleported Chester to the school grounds to protect him. His full bio and whatnot can be found here.

Talk about a long intro- but he is Longshot! He will also be in the student dorms and part of the New Mutants with cameos on X-Factor for his sneaky ways. Spam this entry, k?
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