Muns Gone Wild! - March 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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March 5th, 2008

[Mar. 5th, 2008|07:01 pm]
Hi all! Co-Mod Jory here!

As you all may recall from when you filled out the application(s), you get to - if you so desire - play one of the parents as an NPC. You can just use your character's journal for a parent posting if need be (and some may help in certain plots!). And I'm fixing to make a character wall of them (as well as a list).

Those of you who are using NPCs, can you post here and let me know the details? (who, pb, and what they are doing?) Oh, and remember, the Xmen are 40-50ish now, but if the actor played a parent of a teenager on a TV show, we say that's fine. I'll find an appropriate pic and whip that wall right up! Thanks oodles!
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