The Story So Far - July 2nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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July 2nd, 2008

[Jul. 2nd, 2008|09:37 pm]
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[Maximoff Family Bonding --? ]

WHO: Wes Barton, Ryan Barton & Magnar Maximoff
WHERE: Car, coffee shop
WHEN: A bit ago.. actually it's still under debate
WHAT: Magnar needs babe advice, so after his failed attempt with one cousin, he turns to the other duo. Ryan drives like a grandpa. Magnar debates flowers. Wes plays a prank. Wackiness ensues. No, really, it does. Just read. Chances are, you'll chuckle.

Does she seem to dig on the Magnar love? )
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