The Story So Far - May 28th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 28th, 2008

[May. 28th, 2008|08:17 am]
Who: Cooper & Jake
Where: Outside the mansion
When: Wednesday, May 28, early morning.
What: Running and being lazy, at the same time.

Running, as a lover, was an abusive one. )
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Challenge Log! : Tom Rourke and Duckie Worthington [May. 28th, 2008|08:25 pm]
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WHO Tom and Duckie, as per request
WHAT all it said was "laundry"
WHEN Wednesday?
WHEREthe laundry room (I mean, the place has to have one)

Laundry Girl, your eyes like apple trees, your voice like sprayed Febreeze )
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