The Story So Far - May 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 1st, 2008

ALL NEW MUTANTS [May. 1st, 2008|12:49 pm]
WHERE: Xaviers' Old Academy for Gifted Children, Westchester, NY
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHAT: Practice! Chaos! Wee!

A busload of New Mutants were dropped off in front of the gates at the closed, overgrown grounds of Xavier's School. Logan handed out colored scarves to them all pretty much saying that that marked whose team they were on.

"OK, Red team goes north, through the Basketball courts. Blue goes through the stream. Green gets the labyrinth. Yellow from the forest. Teh first one to the front steps of Xaviers wins. And the prize will be worth while."

***OOC: Ok, folk, I'm posting threads for each team and letting it fly! NPC parent/teacher post to come soon!
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[May. 1st, 2008|01:01 pm]
WHO: All teachers, parents and especially NPCs
WHERE: Teachers extra large lounge
WHEN: During the New Mutants on-camera training session
WHAT: Parents and Teachers get to see how the kids are faring on big screen TV while they enjoy a cocktail or four.

Emma and Sean had set up the screens to cover the far wall. It was a bit scary how it looked a tad like MojoWorld with all the different screens, but the cameras at Xaviers were in working order as they focused on various spots on the grounds where the four New Mutant teams were hunting.

Delicious Emma- approved appetizers were being offered as well as a open top shelf bar. Because how can you add to more fun than watching your kid get chased by force beams? Have a drink, of course.
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[May. 1st, 2008|08:50 pm]


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who: Ryan, and Wes and NPC!Clint Barton and Charlie cameo
when: Today! But after the NPC!Parent party
Setting: Library
what: They finally find their missing book And sort of find Wanda. Only not really. Oh dear, more angst for Ryan and Wes.

who ya gonna call? )
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