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TEXT: Zalika ---> Ashley Jun. 28th, 2010 @ 02:08 pm
TO: Ashley
FROM: Zalika

Hello. You are attending the 4th of July party?

TEXT: Zalika ---> Erica Jun. 28th, 2010 @ 01:12 pm
TO: Erica
FROM: Zalika

Would you like to attend the 4th of July party?
It is for Captain America and every one of us
will be there, including the mutants and such.

TEXT: Erica ---> Zalika Jun. 12th, 2010 @ 09:25 pm
TO: Zalika
FROM: Erica Maximoff


Please don't panic. I'm Erica Maximoff.
I got your phone number out of your
head. I know about the briefing your
Commander put out, and I know you're the
only one who didn't think my parents are
gross. I don't really have any friends and
I figure if anyone would give me a chance
it's you.

So ... yeah. Hi.

PHONE CALL: Ashley ---> Zalika Jun. 10th, 2010 @ 04:28 pm
[***INCOMING CALL: Unknown Number***]

TEXT: Zalika ---> JC Jun. 9th, 2010 @ 12:03 pm
TO: JC Grey
FROM: Zalika, Princess of Wakanda

I need to spar.
Other entries
» TEXT: Xena ---> Zalika
TO: Zalika
FROM: Xena

Congratulations, your boyfriend is
alive. He's staying at the mansion
until he settles or has somewhere
to go.

Stay calm. The Sergeant's coming here
to see him first. That's who he needs.
Leave him be for now and don't try to
kill him. He's not ready for that shock
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