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ONLINE JOURNAL: ~jjoaniej Jan. 20th, 2010 @ 08:58 pm
New sensei at the Zen center, and I somehow convinced him to take me on as a private student. Hopefully extra training will mean less Hulk Outs. Sensei Seto is nice, though. I've never had a blind Zen master before, and weirdly enough, he's the only Asian master in the place. This is New York, after all.

Days Without Incident: 5

THE-PULSE.COM - PERSONAL BLOG (~pmccoy) Jan. 20th, 2010 @ 08:37 pm
Article on the new Doc Ock is in the works. Offspring or copycat? Just had a long talk with his mother after the cops left. She's devastated.

I'm still doing my best to get a sit-down with Spider-Man, faithful readers. He's notoriously hard to get a hold of and prefers to jump off buildings rather than talk to reporters. Still no word on whether he's related to Original Recipe Spider-Man or just borrowing the mantel for a while. Lack of Papa Spider sighting says he's a copycat, but nothing is set in stone until I have it on record.

ONLINE JOURNAL: ~stick Jan. 20th, 2010 @ 01:57 am
i am so confused

Hello Savage World fans!

I hope you all liked the last episode, I can't believe that snake almost got a bite out of me. It's been awhile, let me tell you, but that's something you have to learn: nature will always find a way to surprise you. We've got a little break here, but there's some exciting places coming up, or so I'm told. It's better if I don't know.

Leave me some thoughts for upcoming ideas, and how you liked the Congo.

Be safe,
Peter Rasputin

ONLINE JOURNAL: ~jjoaniej Jan. 11th, 2010 @ 05:47 pm
Decided I need to make more time for the Zen center. Some tabloid claimed they spotted a Hulk Out a couple blocks away from Nelson & Blake and now the cameras are all back in full force. It gets more and more difficult not to go crazy on them, and I know that's the point. I just refuse to both validate them and bring lawsuits down onto my head because I threw a camera man against a wall.

More meditation.

Days Without Incident: 72
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