Next Gen: Communications - May 19th, 2010

About May 19th, 2010

TEXT: Lois → Henry 01:31 am
TO: Henry
FROM: Lois

Two questions

1 - can you access the NYPD
database of employees

2 - can you identify the guy
who poisoned you

I have a present

NEW YORK BUZZ! ( --> SUPER BUZZ! ONLINE with Felicity Hardy 01:53 am
This is going to seem like emotional whiplash folks, but let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming. It's SB! classic, here with a little piece of exclusive superhero news.

Word on the street is that there's a new vigilante in our midst, only within the last couple of days, and he's so elusive that he might just be a rumor. A man who dresses in black, without flashy costume, who drops in at the scene of small domestic crimes and takes out criminals in a matter of seconds. He contacts the police with a disposable cell phone, and is gone by the time police arrive to make an arrest. Witness reports, when there are witnesses, cite a ninja-like MO: quick, silent, and possibly deadly----except our vigilante has yet to make a kill. It's only been a day since he's shown up on my radar, so that may change, but we could be looking at a new cape who's definitely using his deadly abilities as a force for good----without advocating murder.

He's currently been sighted in Hell's Kitchen. Superhero fans and history buffs will note that that was once the exclusive hunting ground of the famous----and infamous----DAREDEVIL, which has gone without a neighborhood hero for two decades.

I have a feeling this mysterious man is going to show up in the press more often, and since he's appearing here on SB! first, we're charged with the task of naming him!! So far he's offered no clue as to what he wants to be called, and in the event that a vigilante has no name, it's the job of the press to give him a title. So I'm turning it over to you. Please respond to the poll below!


My personal vote is for the witty C, Silent Knight, but I want to know what viewers of SB! and readers of SB!O think!

TEXT: Mark ---> Jack 08:52 am
TO: Jackie
FROM: Mark

Super Buzz! is naming you.
They're leaning toward
Silent Knight.

VOICE MAIL: Josie → Morgan 12:52 pm
Morgan! It's me, baby----I know you're at work but give me a call ASAP, ok? I got some big news and you're going to love it! I'm like totally crying right now, in the good way, and you will too! If I don't catch you I'll see you at home, I'll see you then, you take care, you keep being your awesome, beautiful self... I love you, Morg, so much, be a good girl at work now, I'm just rambling now, sorry, okay-bye!

TEXT: Mariah → Magnus 12:57 pm
TO: Magnus
FROM: Mariah

Heads up.

I've been having lunch w mom
the last couple of weeks.
Just twice. OK, three times.

She's suing for 51% of Stark in
the divorce. Not that I think Dad
didn't fuck up with her and not
that I agree with any of that
ultra-capitalist BS, and we know
that mom ran the business side
of the company anyway, but
even I think that's a bitch move.

TEXT: Josie → Pella 06:07 pm
TO: Pella
FROM: Josie

is it true?
ur really the punisher?

really? pella CASTLE
not pella sheffield

TEXT: Owen → Olivier 08:38 pm
TO: Olivier
FROM: Owen

There are things that you're
not telling me.

PHONE CALL: Mark ---> Royce 10:27 pm
[***INCOMING CALL: Mark Reilly***]
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