Next Gen: Communications - May 18th, 2010

About May 18th, 2010

PHONE CALL: Felicity → Mark 05:31 pm

NEW YORK BUZZ! ( --> SUPER BUZZ! ONLINE with Felicity Hardy 06:32 pm
What's the problem with the Punisher?
by Felicity Hardy

Hey, Super Buzz! fans! I'm going to be getting serious on the air tonight, and here's the heads up. For those of you who are into who the supes are dating, and looking for the hot new trends in costume styles----that's great, we'll still be continuing with that. But for those of you who like a little more meat in your sandwich, we're going to start going to the issues. Vigilantes may be hot, they may be celebrities, but let's get real. Underneath the glitz and the costumes, they're people like you and me. They may have powers, but a lot of people with powers decide to live like normal civilians. These are people who have decided to take the law into their own hands, who have decided to act in the name of Justice. They're our heroes, they're our protectors. They inspire us. When they win, we cheer. When they lose, we all feel their pain. We all want to be rescued by Superman. But they're still people, most of them without any authority to carry out their deeds, with the exception of the Avengers.

So where do we draw the line? When does a hero stop being a hero and cross the boundary?

Click for more! )

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