Next Gen: Communications - May 14th, 2010

About May 14th, 2010

TEXT: Sebastian --> Peter 02:13 am
TO: Peter
FROM: Sebastian

You put it on your blog
and it's gonna be on the
NEWS? This is for real

TEXT: Phil ---> Cop-types 08:33 am
TO: Group: Police (Royce, Charlie, May, Danny, Olivier, Owen, Roman, Mark, Kim)
FROM: Phil Beaubier

I feel like I just saw Batman.
I'm chilling out having coffee
before work and BAM, THERE'S

She threw a criminal onto my table.
It was awesome.

TEXT: Cassandra ---> Daniela 08:40 am
TO: Daniela
FROM: Cassandra

The patient that just contacted our
office. Hardy? I'm taking her case.
You're overbooked anyway.

TEXT: Charlie → May 09:02 am
TO: May
FROM: Charlie

Oh hey are we getting
married today

EMAIL: Cassandra Barnum ---> Olivier Lebeau 01:25 pm
TO: [ "Lebeau, Olivier" ]
FROM: [ "Barnum, Cassandra" ]

Olivier -

I'm adopting your girlfriend's case to take some of the stress off of Dr. Lane. I read in her initial file that you recommended our office for treatment, and I realize that her relation to you makes this case a slight conflict of interest.

We've hardly been on the best of terms since Emily. I'm sending you this to tell you that I forgive you. What happened was an accident and I'm too old for childhood grudges at this point.

I'll stop sending you disturbing things in the mail.

- Cassandra

TEXT: Pella ---> Olivier 03:56 pm
TO: Olivier
FROM: Pella

The burns are in the shape of
my tattoo.

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