Next Gen: Communications - May 12th, 2010

About May 12th, 2010

MASS EMAIL: May Parker ---> lady-types 09:07 am
TO: [ "Wisdom, Carmen" ], [ "Frost, Charlotte" ], [ "Logan, Mariella" ], [ "Lane, Daniela" ], [ "Drake, Beth" ], [ "Hardy, Felicity" ], [ "Madrox, Lilah" ], [ "Nelson, Lily" ], [ "Nelson, Morgan" ], [ "Blaire, Lola" ], [ "Madrox, Andrea" ], [ "Lee, Josie" ]
(ooc; if you think one of your characters SHOULD know May, assume they're on the guestlist and post. I'll just add them later. I'm of the opinion that everyone should know everyone, 'cause I said so, but I didn't want to assume TOO much.)
FROM: May Parker

For anyone who hasn't heard, I'm getting married on Friday, which means an insanely inconvenient impromptu bachelorette party. So we'll meet tonight at my mother's for drinks, do all of our girly shit first, and then we're crashing the Stark-sponsored shindig my fiance managed to inspire. I heard they have manstrippers, a DJ, and better food than we do.

Who's in?

TEXT: Olivier ---> JC 02:30 pm
TO: JC Grey
From: Olivier LeBeau

BTW, brain-rape is never cool.

TEXT: Olivier ----> Mariella 03:49 pm
TO: Mariella
FROM: Olivier

Your brother's a douchebag.
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