Next Gen: Communications - February 28th, 2010

About February 28th, 2010

TEXT: Henry ---> Lois 01:42 am
TO: Lois
FROM: Henry

HEY. Guess what I did to my eyeballs.

EMAIL: Commander Fury ---> Avengers 04:41 pm
TO: [ "Group: The Avengers" ]
FROM: [ "Commander Fury" ]

SHIELD debriefing tonight, 8 PM. No excuse for not being there.

- Vice Director Commander Xena Fury

TEXT: Sebastian --> Excelsior 05:17 pm
TO: [ Group: Excelsior ]
FROM: Sebastian

I am not liking this Venom thing,
guys. I am really, really not liking
the state of supervillain affairs
about now.


Can we meet? Can we get a pizza
and have a huddle?

TEXT: Bethany ---> May 05:33 pm
TO: May Parker
FROM: Beth Drake

Please tell me you're not
pulling out the suit again
and going after this
freakazoid. Please?

"For the next segment, viewer discretion is advised due to the use of photographs that some viewers might find disturbing. The villain known as Venom continued his reign of terror overnight, leaving his first superhero victim. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the Scarlet Spider----another new version of an old name----hanging from a lamp post in the Garment District. As these cell phone photos show, though her costume is easily identifiable and her mask is torn, there is no clear view of her face. Before police could arrive to identify her and get medical attention, the Scarlet Spider disappeared. It is believed she was taken away by another vigilante colleague, though no other costumed individuals were found on the scene. It is unclear as to whether the Scarlet Spider survived the attack."

TEXT: Jack --> Mark 05:49 pm
TO: Mark
FROM: Jack

He got the Scarlet Spider.
Remember you're human now
and don't have the same
strength. You aren't ready to
put that suit on.

TEXT: May ---> Danny, Charlie 06:01 pm
TO: Danny, Charlie

I have clearance to confront Venom in
a spider suit. He's more likely to come
after me that way.

Do not engage. And for fuck's sake, don't
try to shoot and/or arrest ME.

TEXT: Ben --> Beth 07:03 pm
TO: Beth

Shaking. I can't stop shaking.
If I could go running I'd go
running but I CAN'T and I
can't throw anything hard
enough to break
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