Next Gen: Communications - January 27th, 2010

About January 27th, 2010

TEXT: Mel ---> Daniela 01:51 am
TO: Daniela

Guess what Ben has.
Just guess.

E-MAIL: Daniela --> Roman, Mel, Danny 02:28 am
TO: [ "Roman Wisdom" ], [ "Mel McKenzie" ], [ "Daniel Madrox" ]
FROM: [ "Daniela Lane" ]

Mel has Friday night off and didn't have plans. SO. Since apparently I have no female friends, you three beautiful gentlemen are invited to my place for an evening of food and movies. Any preferences on the dinner menu? My own feelings about food change by the minute right now. I'm thinking chocolate-dipped fruit for dessert, maybe finally make SOME use of that fondue pot I got for Christmas three years ago.

Roman & Dan, feel free to bring the kids. Lulu, Jaime, and Felix can make use of the play room and I can get a sitter if we want it an adults-only kind of thing.

Let me know if you're free. You can stop by any time after 8. Mel gets off work around that time so he'll be later.

Hope to see you,


TEXT: Daniel → Benjy 03:33 am
Hear you have a date.

TEXT: Mark ---> Danny 03:36 am
What are you up to Friday night?
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