gemstonechimera's Journal
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Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

    Time Event
    Black Innocence - Part 11: And the World Crumbles
    Title: Black Innocence - Part 11: And the World Crumbles
    Summary: Regulus recounts his own history of the Black family and his aspirations to be a Death Eater beginning when Sirius leaves.
    Characters/Pairings: Regulus/Bellatrix
    Genre: horror
    Rating/Warnings: HARD R, inappropriate nearly incestuous thoughts, graphic descriptions of torture, blood-play
    Word Count: 930

    And the World Crumbles )
    Black Innocence - Part 12: Secrets
    Title: Black Innocence - Part 12: Secrets
    Summary: Regulus recounts his own history of the Black family and his aspirations to be a Death Eater beginning when Sirius leaves.
    Characters/Pairings: Regulus/Bellatrix
    Genre: horror
    Rating/Warnings: HARD R, inappropriate nearly incestuous thoughts, graphic descriptions of torture, blood-play
    Word Count: 884

    Secrets )

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