February 16th, 2016

[info]pancaaakes in [info]geatathreads

Who Jemma & Deadpool
Where Outside Jemma's room
When Saturday
What Deadpool binge eats sweets
Status Ongoing/Closed
Warnings Rated Deadpool *R*

Slap me silly and call me Suzie! )

[info]agypsywolf in [info]geatathreads

Who: Peter and Destiny
Where: D’s room
When: Tuesday
What: Peter wants to crash in his cousin’s room for a few days.
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Warnings: Nothing too bad, probably just a lot of cussing.

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[info]jconstantine in [info]geatathreads

Who: John Constantine and Aidan Waite
Where: Their room
When: Backdated to the 12th Feb
What: John arrives and gets a candy surprise when he meets his new roomie
Status: Closed/On-going
Warnings: TBD

Selling your soul was one thing, but magical candy was <i>really</i> dangerous! )