May 2012




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May. 4th, 2012


Screw the witch hunters, they aren't here. I'll do all of the magic I want.

The longer I'm here, the more bored I get with this place. Can't we get some entertainment? Male strippers or something?

book!Cassie and Diana

I'm going to town to see what supplies we can find. Are you in?

Apr. 25th, 2012


I think I took a seriously wrong turn somewhere...

Is any of the rest of the Club here? Cassie? Faye?

Apr. 19th, 2012


Things are too quiet around here. It puts me on edge.

Apr. 12th, 2012


I'm a little creeped out. There's apparently a Diana here who isn't my... or my counterparts cousin and I guess my mom is dating her dad.

I need a drink or some other sort of distraction.

Apr. 11th, 2012


Whoever -- whatever -- hurt Diana, I will we will find you.

And you will pay for what you've done.

Apr. 7th, 2012



I haven't done magic in forever. Being marked fucking sucks. Though... it's not like Max or his dad are actually here...

End of Private

The only person I know here is Cassie and she's boring unless you stir up that dark side a little. This has got to change. Anyone want to do something?

Apr. 2nd, 2012


This is so weird. There's apparently another world or whatever with the same people in mine. I talked to an Adam Conant, who told me that there is another Cassie Blake here. And he knows people with the other names I know.

Filtered to Adam

Would it be possible to... meet up? I'd like to compare notes and see what's different and what's the same.

Mar. 31st, 2012


First Max marks me and now this?

Whoever the hell is responsible for this better step up now. I'm not kidding.

Deb? Suzan? Please tell me someone sane is here. Diana are you here? Cassandra? Did your sister do this to us?