January 2010

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January 8th, 2010

[info]lou_gunther in [info]gateway_pub

Pool hall - Multiple characters welcomed

After a hard day's work, there's nothing better than a cold beer and a game of pool. From Lou's view in any case but the mechanic hadn't planned on going out that night as he left the garage he owned and worked at. Lou's plan for the night involved a quick supper and maybe catching the hockey game before hitting the sack. The universe apparently had other plans for him as he stepped out of the garage and found himself in the gateway pub. "What the hell?" he muttered as he gazed about the room in disbelief. The door had closed behind but Lou payed little attention as he moved further in. "What is this place?"

The bartender replied, telling him it was the gateway pub and asked him what he wanted to drink. Taken aback, Lou simply uttered, "Beer...I guess". The bartender quickly hauled a bottle out of the fridge and popped the cap before handing it to the stunned mechanic. "How do I get home?" Lou asked as he took the beer. The bartender assured the man he could leave anytime he liked by simply exiting the way he came in. It was relieving information. "Thanks. I suppose I'll stick around for a while and finish my beer at least".

He started walking around the bar, taking in the sights when he found a stairwell leading downstairs. At the bottle was a room filled with pool tables and a person standing at the nearest one. "Hello", Lou said polietly. "Do you work here too?"

[info]interviewsvamps in [info]gateway_pub

Library Lounge

Vampires are real, the world's gone to hell and I'm stuck in a bar in the middle of god knows only where, Daniel thought while writing down his thoughts at the library lounge in the pub. He had cloistered himself in the corner, frantically writing on his notepad in what could only be called pure chicken scratch. Normally he liked to record his thoughts out loud, just like he liked to record his interviews but that was only done in private. Not in a public place like this lounge. Daniel had tried to leave the pub three times after he stumbled through the doorway after leaving his interview with Louis. Each time had only resulted in being thrown into different worlds that were completely unlike any he had seen. He had no trouble getting back to the pub when things got hairy in those worlds but still couldn't get home.

I have to get home, he thought. This story's too good. First vampires, then this place and then that world with the purple people. It'll blow my editor's mind. If the editor even believed him. Re-reading what he had already written, Daniel had to admit it sounded crazy. Like something out of a scifi novel. "Shit", he muttered as he tore the page out of the notebook and crumpled it up. Daniel aimed from the garbage pail nearby but in his frustration he tossed the paper ball too far and too hard. It sailed through the air before hitting about customer.

"Sorry", Daniel offered before lowering his head and starting over.