December 2010

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December 15th, 2010

[info]vagueconspiracy in [info]gardenofevilooc

Hello all! My name is Caitlin, and I will be bringing you five characters. That's too many. But I love them.

This here is Regulus Black, former Slytherin, former Death Eater, and generally weird person. Although Regulus did join the DEs as in canon, he was rescued from the sea cave by Dumbledore, and the Horcrux was destroyed; since he only ever knew there was one, he believes the Dark Lord to be defeated forever. Regulus went into hiding after destroying the Horcrux for the rest of the war, and while the other DEs are well aware he was a coward who defected, no one knows he was an actual traitor - not even the Order, of which he was a secret member. He avoids pureblood society now, but he also avoids all society. Reg works as the head of Charms research at the Everglow Company, which does private magical research; he's a paranoid workaholic convinced that his former DE buddies are out to get him. He's eccentric and neurotic, but he's a good guy at heart.

Then I have Asteria Greengrass ([info]goldhair), Ravenclaw, class of 1999. Asteria was a social butterfly at school who quickly grew out of the pureblood supremacism she was raised to believe, and she would have had many friends. Due to her alcoholic father being basically an arsehole, she has developed a fear of men and some massive insecurities, as well as a mild form of OCD which she copes with quite well, but which can make her a nightmare to live with. Her mother died in her childhood and her father died last year, so she is now out on her own. She works as a psychiatrist trainee at St. Mungo's.

Aspen Montgomery ([info]beatingyou) was a Gryffindor, also class of 1999. The second of the Montgomery triplets, she is a very loud, obnoxious sort of girl who has no regard for social norms. She's absolutely a feminist, and she's against all the bad -ists, but especially purism. She wishes she'd been born a Muggle, because magic is so not worth the kind of shite that's still going on in the wizarding world, and in fact she has done her best since leaving school to also leave the wizarding world behind. This doesn't work so well when you're a triplet, unfortunately. Aspen works as a dance instructor at a small academy, and hopes to become a professional dancer later on.

Zacharias Smith ([info]notzachy) was a Hufflepuff, class of 1998, of course. Born to a Squib and a Muggle, he considers himself Muggleborn even though he is in fact closely related to the pureblood Smith line. Zach is a Hufflepuff kind of loner, which is to say, he's an abrasive arse who pushes people away, but to the friends he does manage to make, he is absolutely loyal. He's very rude and complainy, but it's all masking the general feeling that he's not worth much, really. He loves Quidditch above all but isn't really talented enough to play professionally, which he has not yet come to grips with, so he works as a receptionist at the British and Irish Quidditch League Headquarters while trying out for teams whenever he can.

And finally, Remus Lupin ([info]moonytunes) is canon up through 1993. The events of the '93-'94 school year are somewhat changed from canon, and at the end of the year, though Remus tried to resign, Harry convinced him to stay on. He is still DADA professor at Hogwarts, and he is known as a werewolf by all. He tends to keep to himself, fearing that close connections to people will get them hurt. He is kind and compassionate toward all his students, even the openly bigoted ones, and he tries not to make an issue out of his lycanthropy, though it rules his life.

My AIM is Naodrith, and my email is; I look forward to playing with you all!

[info]lyrae_malfoy in [info]gardenofevilooc

Introduction: Lyra Malfoy

Hey everyone!

My name is Dex. My timezone is EST, but I'm pretty much online all the time either through my phone or laptop. I just got into RP a few months ago but freaking love it now. My AIM is dexslytherin, and my email is dexslytherin @

I'm bringing in just one character (for now, anyway!), [info]lyrae_malfoy. I'm horrid at summaries, so here's the condensed bio bit: Lyra is the oldest daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy; she's 22 years old, a former Slytherin, and currently lives at home. Raised with the concept of pureblood superiority, Lyra believes that she is better than almost everyone else, due to both her family name and pure bloodline.

While she craves a life of excitement, she hasn’t figured out exactly what sort of excitement she’s looking for yet. Lyra also has a desire to be independent, and has resisted all attempts to marry her off to a proper wizard. But until those things come along, she’s mostly content to live at home and enjoy the company of her family and her few friends.

One of the big things about her character is that Lyra has an idealized view of her Aunt Bellatrix and really looks up to her, so I'm really looking forward to what will happen when that view gets corrected. Lyra also has a bit of a bad girl in her, that's been pushed down during her time at Hogwarts and for most of her life, so she's liable to go looking for fun in the wrong sorts of places. Her full bio is here, if you're curious. It's pretty long, I got a little carried away.

This is my first OC so I'm pretty excited about it. And I'm sure I'll probably pick up another character, once I figure out who.