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Fortunas Only (No Pirates) [31 May 2014|02:25am]
Miss Foster has resigned from the militia, effective immediately.

Anyone with military service or soldiering in their background, see Gerald or myself. We would like to replace her as soon as possible, within the week is preferable.

Gerald, Jackson, Georgie

The captain made it clear that he expects another of his crew to take Mattie's post. I told him, politely, that I felt guilty taking advantage of his crew, and that we had already begun to search for her replacement. I think in the interim, Jackson should step in, and until he is healed, Gerald and I can rotate responsibility.

I think we should prepare for the Captain to insist, and that's why I would like this deal closed as soon as possible.

Georgie, I know you're quite busy, but I may need to borrow your silver tongue to help me compose a firm yet amiable response.
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