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[30 May 2014|10:59am]
Nothing short of interesting.

Pirates and Alexi
Probably isn't my place to say or ask anything to any of you but I'm slightly concerned. I haven't see Nadi in some time. I have money to give and no person to give it to. While I am delighted to keep all the profits, I know this isn't how any of this works.

...have you seen her?
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[30 May 2014|02:04pm]
Captain Oz

I would like to thank you for lending us your most able gunner to help us establish our militia. However, due to certain personnel issues--in that she has shot my son, the deputy sheriff--she's quit her job.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you, allowing her to work with us, and anything that we can do to show our appreciation, we will do.

Nicolas Ferrington
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[30 May 2014|02:29pm]
delivered after market day )

delivered to the kitchens )

delivered to Alexi )
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[ viewing | May 30th, 2014 ]
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