Garbage Bin - January 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Garbage Bin

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January 6th, 2008

cj_markham in community garbage_bin [08 Dec 2007|03:37pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:17 pm]
Gah. From 100 to 10. They just keep cutting the icon limit down, don't they. Now they're down to below LJ's paid accounts.

2007-12-08 14:21 (link) Select
We should beat them up.
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2007-12-08 21:02 (link) Select
We should, because now the email notifs seem to be missing as well.
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2007-12-09 00:01 (link) Select

It's VERY sad.
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2007-12-09 01:32 (link) Select
I look at it this way... as soon as they realize they need to purge journals we'll be fine. Till then we'll suffer for a week or two.
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_gcb in community garbage_bin [08 Dec 2007|04:20am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:18 pm]
I have come to the conclusion that the lacking layouts just is grossing me out, SO, with that in mind. Who wants a layout?

Steps To Getting Layout
1) Go through GJ, find a layout or two you like, link me to journal.
2) Pick a color scheme and identify it to me. Go Here For Color Codes.
3) Find a place with photos you want used.

Sites With Color Codes

2007-12-08 08:35 (link) Select
Heheee. you are WAAAAAY too generous.
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2007-12-08 16:01 (link) Select
I swear I'm not lol it's totally just hating seeing the general layouts GJ provides.
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2007-12-08 09:42 (link) Select
lol once I get to my computer I'm going to make her a layout. Might need you to code it though.
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2007-12-08 16:01 (link) Select
My pleasure!
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2007-12-08 21:05 (link) Select
I think I officially love you lol.
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2007-12-09 01:32 (link) Select
You should. I am amazing lol!
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2007-12-09 05:59 (link) Select
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benjimwbrock in community garbage_bin [09 Dec 2007|02:08am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:18 pm]
Alright.. so I know I'm new and all... )

_gcb in community garbage_bin [09 Dec 2007|03:06pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:23 pm]
I have come to the conclusion though inconvenienced by the lacking icons... I have been more efficient then ever with 10. However, they could at least up it to 20 or 50.

Also, I hate insane journal. Sorry but it had to be said.

2007-12-09 19:38 (link) Select
I just joined insane journal and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I haven't really been into personal journaling lately, but I figured that I should get a name I like there in case I ever decide to return to it. There seems to be a lot of pervy anime 20+ people who shouldn't exist making up the journal population. I'm scared. If I did decide to journal there, I wouldn't have any friends.
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2007-12-09 20:29 (link) Select
well now you do. Sign on and add sleepybunny. Its my journal there though personally I prefer blurty & gj.... that place just scares me.
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callmeandrea in community garbage_bin [09 Dec 2007|09:34pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:24 pm]
I haven't roleplayed since I was sixteen, so I'm feeling all shy and shit. I haven't played with anyone yet, and I'm starting to think I'm the community leper. Make a boy feel welcome? Pleaseee :(

2007-12-09 20:20 (link) Select
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2007-12-10 07:42 (link) Select
smart ass >:O
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2007-12-10 07:46 (link) Select
How am I a smartass!?

I was welcoming you!!

Whaddya want me to do, hump your leg?? :D
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2007-12-10 07:48 (link) Select
sceeeene with me

humping my leg works too.
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2007-12-10 07:52 (link) Select
okay! let's do both! :D

Alright.. Scene with you.
Would you mind if it was in a thread?
Because I'm at work.. bleh.. and AIM is a "no-no", apparently..
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2007-12-10 08:07 (link) Select
sounds good.
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2007-12-10 08:15 (link) Select
would you like to start it?...
Pretty please?
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2007-12-10 09:02 (link) Select
ah shit. you made one. is that for me? or should i still make one. sorry for the delay, i went to have a cigarette and found five other things to do on the way back.
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2007-12-10 09:08 (link) Select
Hahaa. it's all good! :)
You can have at that one.. or make another!
I debated.. I was like.. I could put that it's for Benji or yours, but I was like.. well.. what if they want it to be something else??

Doesn't matter! Up to you!
Benji's all over.
The more Benji, the happier the place is!
His opinion, anyway. :D
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2007-12-10 09:11 (link) Select
you're cute.

anyway i can easily make it work by adding one more sentence to what i just wrote. i love when things fall into place so nicely like that. i'm on my way to comment now.
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2007-12-10 09:13 (link) Select
Ha. I do try.

And brilliant!
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2007-12-10 12:09 (link) Select
Dude, I'm as open as you will ever find a person. Tap me online, we'll shoot the shit.
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benjimwbrock in community garbage_bin [10 Dec 2007|03:18pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:26 pm]
It's a Long Story...


You can now reach me at:


via AIM.

2007-12-10 14:28 (link) Select
Do I even want to know the story? lol. Is your Let's Cruise SN changing as well? lol
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2007-12-10 14:33 (link) Select
No.. It's not.
I kept getting this and LC confused.

and no, the story is a secret. :P
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2007-12-10 14:42 (link) Select
Aww... dernit.

And yes, I'm in LC with you lol. I've got Saylor.
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2007-12-10 14:46 (link) Select

Shh! You weren't supposed to know I was in LC! XD

I kid, I kid!

Who else in their right mind would pb Roger???

I wonder if anyone else from LC is here...

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2007-12-10 14:49 (link) Select
I have no clue. I'm actually planning to bring in an Alona Tal PB here.
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2007-12-10 14:54 (link) Select

Coolness. :D

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d_moretti in community garbage_bin [15 Dec 2007|02:52am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:27 pm]
Just letting everyone know that I don't have the internet at my house so I won't be active on AIM until Jan 15th. I'm on holiday vacation. I WILL be updating his journal though, so no worries.

2007-12-15 14:02 (link) Select
Awe that sucks. Will you be able to do threads?

_gcb in community garbage_bin [16 Dec 2007|01:17pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:28 pm]
  1. Updated Layout
  2. Still Willing To Make People Layouts
  3. Added Icons

2007-12-16 19:30 (link) Select
You should make Lucas a layout. :-P
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2007-12-16 19:40 (link) Select
SCORE! lol I will have it all set with codes and graphics tomorrow to give to you.
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2007-12-20 08:04 (link) Select
I wouldn't mind if you made Chris a layout. And yes, I am new to the game, hi! I am Nikki. Bringing you the yummy CMM!
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2007-12-20 08:29 (link) Select
I can definitely make you a layout. Go through GJ, find a style you like, I can probably do it.
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jkohl in community garbage_bin [17 Dec 2007|02:19am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:29 pm]
Hey, I wasn't happy with my character so with the permission of the mod (me) I have changed it completely. Here is the new character and all the information. A new first entry is also here. Everything his honestly changed.

Character Name: Corina Kohl Jameson
Character Journal: [info]jkohl
Character Aim: Kiss Me Kohl
Character PB: Isabeli Fontana
Age & Birth date: 28 & September 22, 1979
Character Background: Ever since childhood, Kohl has been obsessed with the human form. She has always felt clothing didn't fit her right due to her tall and very thin figure with surprisingly a rather large bust. Because of this, since the age of 13, Kohl has been making her own clothing. She had found that she got exactly what she wanted when she designed the outfit and sowed it herself. It was because of this that she ended up in Fashion School, minoring in business to appease her mother & father. However, fashion didn't seem all it use to be. The more she attempted to design high fashion catour, the more she hated it. It seemed all so lack-luster. She didn't want to be like Versace, Dior, and Lauren. She wanted to do something else, something that made women feel sexy and yet she wanted most of it to be practical. It was her senior year that she finally figured out that lingerie was her passion. Since then she has been working in the field non-stop. Though it has taken time and patience, she recently opened her own boutique in Seattle, having herself model the line to show that it all has a purpose. Besides, she was her first model to begin with. Outside of work, recently Kohl took a trip to Hawaii. This was her way of celebrating her new line... what she found in Hawaii however was a nice guy who she wedded after only a week of knowing him. This happened a month ago and only now is her husband finally moving to Seattle to live with her. She isn't sure how this will go, if they will be able to get along and make this spur of the moment marriage work, but she's willing to give it all she has.
Career/Job: Lingerie Designer, Lingerie Boutique Owner
Apartment: One Bedroom Deluxe & #A010

cj_markham in community garbage_bin [18 Dec 2007|06:50pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:30 pm]
So, I figured I'd let you guys see what your characters' presents are. Since she only knows Lucas, Gretchen, Derek and Benjamin, that's who the little brat bought for. And she spoiled them rotten too.

Wrapped and all put into big enough boxes to carry them, this is what everyone got.

Naughty Or Nice )

The "Experiences" are generally London area stuff, but just pretend they're local stuff. XD

2007-12-19 00:40 (link) Select
LMAO! You do realize Gretchen will be torturing everyone with that shocking liar! She won't talk unless it's on them! You will/have created a monster!
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2007-12-19 07:59 (link) Select
Lucas says that she'll never talk to him again then because he won't wear that thing!
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2007-12-19 09:58 (link) Select
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2007-12-19 10:33 (link) Select
lol gretchen is offended and thinks he has something to hide now!
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2007-12-19 09:56 (link) Select
CJ says Gretchen is so not allowed to use that on her.
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2007-12-19 10:34 (link) Select
Hey, she got the gift for her, she should be the first to test it out!
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2007-12-19 10:52 (link) Select
CJ: No way. As best friend, I'm stating my right to immunity.
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2007-12-19 15:42 (link) Select
They will never solve this logically.
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2007-12-19 15:57 (link) Select
CJ is being very logical. She's not walking around with that on her hand. lol... and it's mainly because of the off chance someone would ask her if she ever committed a murder. lol. Because come on, Gretchen would totally ask that.
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2007-12-19 16:04 (link) Select
TRUE! She actually would use that question. She would also ask her if she ever fucked a goat. She is stupid and random like that... which is why I love her.
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2007-12-19 16:08 (link) Select
And that is also why CJ loves her. And why CJ will never ever put that thing on her hand.
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2007-12-19 16:11 (link) Select
Smart move.
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2007-12-19 08:07 (link) Select
That looks utterly terrifying...
I may have to let you take that and get your money back.
Just to be honest and all. I think I'd get sick.

But everything else is perfect! And ha. ha. Thank you for the much sexier towels than my Batman one.

You hardly know me and yet you're so great at picking out gifts! You're good!
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2007-12-19 09:56 (link) Select
CJ says he's going. Plain and simple. And he's welcome for the towels.
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2007-12-19 10:06 (link) Select
LMAO. I just realized this was an out of character post...
::slaps forehead:: Oi.
No more staying up late for ME.

And Benji says he'll get sick! He doesn't want to sphere! XD
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2007-12-19 10:12 (link) Select
XD. Silly boy.

CJ says it's a gift for two people, so he can take someone he knows will calm him down and get him to do it. He won't get sick, there's no way he can get sick. It's all good and fun!
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2007-12-19 10:15 (link) Select

and he knows it's a gift for two people.. but he doesn't even like flying! ;D
he's scared of rollercoasters.. and he doesn't even want to think about being hurled down a hill in a sphere! :D
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2007-12-19 10:16 (link) Select
CJ says it's really, really fun and he'll hurt her feelings if he doesn't go. Look at her! She's pouting!
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2007-12-19 10:18 (link) Select
but he says he really doesn't want to throw up all over whoeever he takes with him!! :P
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2007-12-19 10:20 (link) Select
CJ: *cracks up* You're in separate spheres!! And we'll make sure we get you one of those nifty little seasick pills to keep that from happening.
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ckkohl in community garbage_bin [23 Dec 2007|05:12pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:42 pm]

jkohl in community garbage_bin [23 Dec 2007|06:57pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:42 pm]
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays )

cj_markham in community garbage_bin [25 Dec 2007|10:08pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:43 pm]
Hey guys. I've been scarce, I know, but I have a good reason. I ended up catching the flu over Christmas holiday. Today's the first day I've been able to stand up and I wanted to catch up on what I've missed in the game. Anyone wanna fill me in?

2007-12-26 04:09 (link) Select
I would if I knew what was going on haha.
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2007-12-26 07:35 (link) Select
Cassie and Chris had a sort of date, type thing. But as you can see he still has his trust issues.

Someone needs to break through to him, CJ ;)

And Kimberly and Derek had their fun. But she also likes Adam. A lot.
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2007-12-26 08:39 (link) Select
Gretchen is being fought over kinda by Benjamin & Lucas.
She is on break from work sort of.

Warren, Daniel, and Sebastian are in a love triangle though Daniel doesn't know of it.
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2007-12-27 00:33 (link) Select
Oh the fun. CJ says there's plenty of drinks at her place for the girl.
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2007-12-27 00:50 (link) Select
... Warren just had sex with Sebastian!
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2007-12-27 00:56 (link) Select
... bitch.
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2007-12-27 00:59 (link) Select
You love me!
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2007-12-29 22:55 (link) Select
Chris missed CJ ;)
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benjimwbrock in community garbage_bin [26 Dec 2007|12:25am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:44 pm]
And I just wanted to let everyone know that I know I've been scarce too!
I apologize.

We all know Christmas is a busy time of year anyway....
but I was closing a show, and I've been rehearsing for my next one..
AND my great grandma passed away Saturday evening.
So I just wanted to let all of you know why I haven't been around much.

But I thought it was only fair to let you know.
Thanks guys!

2007-12-26 03:57 (link) Select
I'm sorry about your great grandma. *hugs*
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2007-12-26 06:20 (link) Select

thank you. :)
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jkohl in community garbage_bin [26 Dec 2007|07:09am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:45 pm]

I fell asleep last night at 9 pm. Woke up at 6 am completely clueless that I had fallen asleep/how long I slept. Sorry to everyone who was assured I would be on.

_gcb in community garbage_bin [26 Dec 2007|07:24am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:46 pm]
Ok, I need to see more of you pimping! Start commenting people's ads, make your own ads, do what it takes when you can but do something. I know a couple of you are, I have seen you out there, but for the rest of you tisk tisk.

2007-12-26 05:53 (link) Select
I'm on it RIGHT NOW! :D
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2007-12-26 08:37 (link) Select
I love you!
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2007-12-26 09:45 (link) Select
I'm doing that whole 'word of mouth' deal and it seemed to have worked! :]
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2007-12-26 09:55 (link) Select
Which is wonderful and I applaud you for it!
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2007-12-26 10:13 (link) Select
I don't wanna. *pouts* You can't make me. :)
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2007-12-26 10:30 (link) Select
I can deny Lucas some Gretchen time... will that make you?

the_management in community garbage_bin [26 Dec 2007|12:13pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:47 pm]
Is it true that if you load your icons to photobucket and link/upload them, GJ won't eat your icons?

2007-12-26 10:03 (link) Select
I haven't found that to be true yet. I've had to upload mine twice and knock on wood, the third time is the charm.
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2007-12-26 10:38 (link) Select
Pretty Orlando Icons... :: stares ::
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2007-12-26 10:46 (link) Select
I have over 800 .... and I have an obsession .... I need a meeting or something. O:)
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2007-12-26 11:19 (link) Select
An "icon anonymous" group. I so would join.
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2007-12-26 15:46 (link) Select
I should run it. It's be popular.
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2007-12-26 22:23 (link) Select
I've got you beat. I have 1480 of Alona Tal
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2007-12-26 22:41 (link) Select

4066 icons of Kirsten Dunst!
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2007-12-27 04:58 (link) Select
I have like 3900 of Justin Timberlake...I thought I took the cake but HOLY HELL.
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2007-12-27 13:20 (link) Select
7 Years of rping her has done me well in the icon business.
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2007-12-27 19:33 (link) Select
Yes, 6 years of RPing Justin and his I just use them OOC too.
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kimberlyc_ in community garbage_bin [29 Dec 2007|12:42pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:48 pm]
Ok, this is what happens when I am bored!

I need to go out! lol. I am going out at 5, but that is still a few hours away! Someone help me. Pull me away from the graphics. And yes, my pictures suck, but I am getting better. hehe.

benjimwbrock in community garbage_bin [30 Dec 2007|12:54pm] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:49 pm]
Dear GJ,

I hate you.
Thanks for eating all of my icons.

Full of hate and malice,


2007-12-30 11:02 (link) Select
You can't curse GJ. GJ knows. GJ might have to kill you now.
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2007-12-30 11:06 (link) Select
But they ate them!
They ate them all!
Now I only have.. 10.. ::sigh::
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2007-12-30 11:07 (link) Select
You're lucky GJ didn't just delete your journal out of SPITE.

But the whole 100 to 10 icons is lame-o, tbh.
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2007-12-30 11:09 (link) Select
I remember...
back in the day..
when it was like.. 2,000 icons!
And I was like.. WTF is anyone ever going to do with 2,000 icons??

now, I just wish I still had 100... :(
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2007-12-30 11:50 (link) Select
I never filled up my icon quota. I can't even begin to think of how I'd be able to orgasm them and still use song titles as witty icon comments.

I kind of wish we were at InsaneJournal. :/ So then I could have another character. Weepz.
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2007-12-30 12:01 (link) Select
Isn't there still a "back door" to creating new journals?
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2007-12-30 12:01 (link) Select
What? No way?
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2007-12-30 12:10 (link) Select
let me see..
I just asked around.
There WAS a back door. but now all journals that are created using it, are automatically logged out or something..
Because I know I created this journal with the back door when it was apparently still working..
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2007-12-30 12:12 (link) Select
hXc bummer.

It's cool. Thanks for asking around though? BTW did you want to play at 6:30 or can we play with time a bit? I'm actually PST but I might be out at that time.
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2007-12-30 12:15 (link) Select
I'm TOTALLY game for playing now! ;D
I'm freakin' bored.
I always play with time!
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2007-12-30 12:22 (link) Select
Pfft, game on then. Do you want me to start?
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2007-12-30 12:34 (link) Select
Yes, please!!!
sorry it took so long for this response.
LOL. I'm trying to upload some junk, and my computer is lagging and hating me.
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_gcb in community garbage_bin [02 Jan 2008|02:28am] [Jan. 6th, 2008|10:50 pm]
HUGE OOC: Ok, so the new year is here and that means things will be changing. One, I am officially working the customer service line for turbo-tax at night. That's right, your mod here is an IT geek who solves tax software problems. But why is this news? Well my online hours will be shifting majorly so here is what you need to know.

1) I AM EASTERN TIME! Most of you know that. So that means if I am getting online, on most nights it will be from 1 AM - 4 AM! During work days, that's it. I don't believe I will be able to be on more. I mean that may change, but for the next three to four weeks, it's going to be that.

2) MY HOURS ARE ON THE ROCKS! I am unfortunately not sure what my hours are. I will be working 40 hours a week but I don't know if that's monday-friday, or wednesday-sunday, etc. Fact is until that is clear, my hours are weird and I just take what I can get.

3) I WILL BE A COMPLETE BITCH! I'm sorry, I am forewarning you all. If you have something petty with someone else, work it out yourselves. I have been working customer-service for four years along with telemarketing and I can tell you after a shift, I am cranky some and will not put up with little stuff. Little stuff I expect you to solve on your own. I only want big stuff.

4) I CAN NO LONGER PIMP! Sorry but unless it's a day off, I won't have time to pimp. So that means it is up to every single one of you to pimp. The communities success is now on all of your shoulders.

5) ADD INS WILL BE WHEN I HAVE TIME! That's right, they won't be as fast. It will be on one of my days off, and when I have the time/energy to do it. So that means holds may be going soon as well, haven't decided. Personally holds are kind of dull, don't you think? Eh, most likely they will go.

6) THREADS WILL GO A LOT SLOWER WITH ME! Since I only have so much time on, I will only be able to thread at certain times. Therefore, thread wise, don't expect a lot of responses quick.

Ok, so that's the changes. I thought I should let you know since they are all effective immediately. I mean I am still here, still playing, still around. Just it's different now.

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