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Jan. 10th, 2008


Porn off prompts

Hah, the prompt list finished sooner than I expected... D;

The sports ones I recognise are:

Hikaru no Go, Hikaru/Isumi, your turn to play.
Hikaru no Go, Nase/Hikaru, misunderstanding
Hikaru no Go, Touya Akira/Waya, the day before.
Hikaru no Go, Waya / Yang Hai, cybersex.

Prince of Tennis, Ryouma/Aoi Kentarou, legendary rivals!
Prince of Tennis, Tezuka/Fuji, glinting darkness.

Princess Nine, Ryo Hayakawa /Izumi Himuro, knocked to the ground

So go off and porn off! XD

Feel free to x-post here when your done!


Advertisment sorta - Avast Me Hearties!

Arr. There be, just beyond the horizon an epic [info]porn_battle.

We should totally hijack and post a ton of prompts there for people to write. XD

When the master list goes up I'll post all of the animanga sports fandoms I recognise over here, to make it easier for us to participate in boosting our own fandoms. :D

We'll have to be quick the deadlines coming up right about now.

ETA: And while I'm at it, blind go ( a hikaru no go guessing competition) is having a fan artist round.

Sign up post here:

Jan. 9th, 2008


Fic: God’s Mysterious Ways (Hikaru no Go)

This community seems quite dead, but I don't know any other anime asylums on IJ and wanted to pimp my fic somewhere... ^^;;

Title: God’s Mysterious Ways
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Author: [info]sivullinen
Characters/pairing: Touya Kouyo (and some others)
Length: ~2000 words
Rating & Warnings: Gen and spoilers for significant parts of the anime
Summary: After his death, there are still some adventures for Touya Kouyo.
Authors Notes: Written for trensaddiction at fifthmus!

Everything was white.

Aug. 5th, 2007


Oofuri fandom pimp

Fandom: Oofuri
Ookiku Furikabutte AKA Oofuri is a fun series about baseball, adorable boys (whom you just want to scoop up and hug) and good old crazy madcap fun! (links here are screencaps)

It's adorable and slashy incredibly fun to watch

Although I've only seen a little the characters are interesting and are already connectible with the reader. :)

The story starts of about Mihashi - an incredibly shy, talented yet modest pitcher. Mihashi actually has some real skill and loves baseball - he loves the mound with all his heart.

The problem?

He doesn't think that he's any good. And he feels horribly guilty - he thinks he let down his own team by refusing to quit the team and let the other pitcher play - and that he'll let down his new one by not being good enough.

He really just makes you want to scoop him up. =/

But Mihashi isn't the only player there's Abe a catcher with issues of his own, Momoe a former softball student of the school and their coach, A CRAZY FUN BATTERY TEAM.

And I just eeee and &heart; this series so much.

For more information, a better summary and how to get hold of the series, you should try

Hal's post here. :)

Side note: We have an affiliate [info]unknown_fandom - its for posting fanfiction about smaller fandoms. ^_^;;

Jul. 25th, 2007


Going live. :)

I was unsure for a long time on a couple of things, but decided to go ahead with making this comm live and public.

To celebrate I'm offering to do drabble requests! :D

Some of the sports anime/manga series I'm at least somewhat familiar with, enough to at least attempt having a go at are:

aim for the sky!, eyeshield 21, hikaru no go, mr fullswing, ookiku furikabutte (oofuri)( - only for Abe and Mashiro though... D:), prince of tennis, princess nine, slam dunk, whistle!, yakitate!! japan.

Jun. 11th, 2007


Fanfiction: Hikaru no Go: Le Ping Vs Waya round 1.

Title: Just another doppelganger of a day.
Fandom:Hikaru no Go
Author: Qem, [info]qem_chibati
Characters: Waya, Isumi, Le Ping, Yang Hai
Length: 660, drabble
Rating: Gen, PG, set after Hokuto cup.
Summary: Le Ping gets the answer to a question he asked a long time ago.

As Waya bowed his head solemnly in greeting to the Chinese insei, he could feel the quiet snickering of Yang Hai and Isumi in the background and the gasps of the Chinese students in front of him.  )


Mod Post

This community is still under construction.

Questions, affiliation requests can go here! Feel free to suggest more interests to be added to the community's interest list! ^_^

FAQ: )

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