January 10th, 2008

[info]qem_chibati in [info]ganbatte_love

Advertisment sorta - Avast Me Hearties!

Arr. There be, just beyond the horizon an epic [info]porn_battle.

We should totally hijack and post a ton of prompts there for people to write. XD

When the master list goes up I'll post all of the animanga sports fandoms I recognise over here, to make it easier for us to participate in boosting our own fandoms. :D

We'll have to be quick the deadlines coming up right about now.

ETA: And while I'm at it, blind go ( a hikaru no go guessing competition) is having a fan artist round.

Sign up post here:

[info]qem_chibati in [info]ganbatte_love

Porn off prompts

Hah, the prompt list finished sooner than I expected... D;

The sports ones I recognise are:

Hikaru no Go, Hikaru/Isumi, your turn to play.
Hikaru no Go, Nase/Hikaru, misunderstanding
Hikaru no Go, Touya Akira/Waya, the day before.
Hikaru no Go, Waya / Yang Hai, cybersex.

Prince of Tennis, Ryouma/Aoi Kentarou, legendary rivals!
Prince of Tennis, Tezuka/Fuji, glinting darkness.

Princess Nine, Ryo Hayakawa /Izumi Himuro, knocked to the ground


So go off and porn off! XD

Feel free to x-post here when your done!