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Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

    Time Event

    About me and the character I play:

    Hello everyone :). I am pimping on behalf of [info]collectors_mods. We are a time displacement game that has been running for about 4 months and there are no plans or signs that we will be dying any time soon. Also, even though we have been open for a while, all of the players are extremely welcoming and plot is always made available to new characters. Unlike many other time displacement games that are around and rely on the arrivals and disappearances of characters for plot, we constantly have new plot lines every week or couple of weeks. Normally, these are the result of the collector playing with the characters and have included gender swap, body swap, super powers, age change and even holiday themed plots like St Patrick's Day and Easter. Simply, there is always something for your character to do.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why:

    As far as characters go we really need

    -> The trio. Even though we have other characters around we are missing Harry, Ron and Hermione. There friends and family would love to see them around!

    -> We need more Gryffindors and especially Hufflepuffs. Hannah would especially love to see her friends Susan, Ernie, Justin and Megan. Justin and Megan also have plot with their future daughter in play.

    -> Our two missing founders Gryffindor and Slytherin

    -> The future spouses of characters such as Zacharias Smith and Angelina Johnson.

    -> We also need more next gen characters. A list of characters that have already been described is here, but in particular we need Alice Longbottom II, Lily Luna Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Teddy Lupin, Stephan and Valentina Finch-Fletchley, Theodore Nott V, Lysander Scamander, Kieren Urquhart and more Weasleys

    -> The Carrows. Alecto gave birth to two daughters Hestia and Flora who were then raised by Uncle Amycus as Alecto had no interest in children. More information is here, but basically we need Hestia, Alecto and Amycus.

    -> Gellert Grindelwald

    -> Albus Dumbledore, especially to join his siblings.

    -> Eileen Snape

    -> Cedric Diggory

    Game to join: Thank you, we would love to see you at [info]collectors_mods
    I'm looking for a next-gen HP game, preferably set AFTER Hogwarts. I don't want time-travel stuff, or anything like that, just the next-gen post-warts, getting on with their lives and the trouble that brews up. Well, you can try to convince me, but it probably won't work.

    I'm looking to play one of several characters. Dominique Weasley, Lee Jordan's son, Lucy Weasley, Longbottom child, Smith son )
    Idolum : Supernatural based City Game



    Are you watching where you step?

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    The word Idolum means a mental image, a false idea, a fallacy.

    As we all pass through the ins and outs of our everyday lives, we have a mental image before us that we perceive as our reality. However, as the citizens of New York are slowly coming to realize, not everything, or everyone is as they appear in this false perception.

    A brand new supernatural based city game, Idolum is calling for humans, witches and vampires to come join us in the bustling the cultural hub of New York City. Since the game is only now opening to the public, many playbys are available! We encourage original characters of all types to join us as the veil falls and the grim truth comes out to play.

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