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Saturday, November 7th, 2009

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    calling Scott Summers!
    About me and the character I play: Hello! I'm Brianna, and I play Emma Frost ([info]white__queen) over at [info]marvel_616 via [info]mod616. This game is really geared more towards those comic book buffs who have been keeping up with the Dark Reign series (post-Civil War). It's following the series almost completely, with a few creative twists and turns peppered into the game.
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: I am desperately seeking out a Scott Summers / Cyclops. Scott has a pivotal role in this game, considering he is one of the main mutants speaking out against Osborn and his Dark Reign of terror. He is also the leader of the X-Men, and basically "ruler" of Utopia - the planet that majority of the peace seeking mutants have migrated to. On top of that, Emma really, really, really really wants her rocky relationship back! She could use the stubborn boy scout Scott Summers to keep her in line, and remind her that everything she is doing isn't in vain. This game has AWESOME potential, we just need more people! More people with knowledge of the current comic series going on in Marvel. This is 616, so it's not like it's some alternate universe. This is going on right here, right now in Marvel Comics, check it out! [info]scans_daily keeps up with the Dark Reign series, and so does Marvel Wiki.
    Game to join: [info]marvel_616 via [info]mod616; game info/links can be found here!.

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