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Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

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    About me and the character I play: I play Lysander Scamander, son of naturalists Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander. He's a total nature boy, robust and woodsy and rather the opposite of bookish. He likes to wander off on his own but he's also quite playful with his friends and family. He spent his childhood traveling the world with his parents as they did their research and so naturally, Lorcan did as well. You can read his full bio here.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Lorcan Scamander. Why not? He's my twin brother. A twin needs his twin. Lorcan is also a seventh year (no Marcus Flint moments in his track record) and a Ravenclaw, whereas Lysander is a Gryffindor. I would love if they were very close but also enjoyed ribbing each other once in a while. It doesn't matter who popped out first to me, they're still twins. I didn't plan on them being identical either, but Hunter Parrish is my PB for Lysander so that might give you an idea of where to start looking.

    Game to join: [info]cursedprophecy via the mod journal, [info]fatidic. Cursed Prophecy is a plot-heavy future generations game that has recently returned from a hiatus. A lot went down last year, all explained in the mod journal, and while I wasn't around back then to participate, the story was easy enough to follow and I'm looking forward to getting started on the new year. I would just really love his twin around, too! Even if you don't want to play Lorcan, there are plenty of available characters and enough room for original characterization. See the families list for availability.

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