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Monday, October 5th, 2009

    Time Event
    Like Drama, Romance, and Quidditch?
    If so, then join [info]quadriviumrpg. We're a small cast, looking for more students to increase the level of drama in the school, break up relationships, start new ones, and anything else to your heart's content. We're an escape from everyday RP and we welcome shipping, IC drama, and having a good time when all we want to do is have a bit of a cracked-out time.

    We're friendly to all sexualities and in fact, a bit of slash would mix things up.

    Most of all, we need some younger students, as in June the majority of our cast will be leaving Hogwarts, and who then will keep Gossip Witch in business?

    So if you're looking for a game to take a break and just have a bit of fun with, come on over. We promise not to bite, unless you ask.
    I really shouldn’t be doing this, but are there any games in need of a Ginny? No time travel and no crossovers, at all. Anything else I’m fine with.
    Single White Witch Seeking Nervous, Virginal Male
    Me? Assertive, attractive, witch with strawberry blond hair, large bosom, and a great career. You? Handsome, shy, awkward type with dark hair for flirting, friendship, and much more. Virginal Neville Longbottom is preferred, but any virginal type looking to be corrupted will do. Interested? Contact me at [info]quaffle_rpg and the corrupting can begin.
    Frank Longbottom Needed for His Adorable Wife and Son
    Frankie, Frankie, Frankie. Your wife, Alice, remember her? Yes, that cute, slightly annoying blond that you eloped with back during the holidays of your seventh-year, the almost mother of your child? She requires your presence, because that baby the two of you lost? It's still killing her and while she is no longer a big ball of emo, she's throwing herself far too into the Auror-ing business. Someone needs to talk some sense into her before she gets herself killed. Don't let the fact that during a recent battle against Death Eaters, she kicked major ass fool you, her obsession is not healthy. And speaking of this battle, there are so little Aurors left, Moody needs you, yes YOU to work cases. So where in the hell are you?

    And two years from now? The two of you have an adorable little son, Neville, looks just like you. Too bad Voldemort is after this little tyke and you and Alice are forced to be on the run, along with the Potters. 

    So are you really going to keep leaving your wife alone to deal with all of this on her own? And Neville, what about Neville? It's time to man up, Longbottom, and show your face.

    Where is Mr. Longbottom needed? Well, at [info]darkrisingrpg, where he is a recast, but much needed, much loved character, and [info]the_exodus_rpg, which is yet to open, but he is still needed for crucial game plots. Interested? Then come on over and Alice will lead the way.

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