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Sunday, February 1st, 2009

    Time Event

    About me and the character I play: I'm Katie and I play Aaron Longbottom ([info]middlest_child) at [info]bravenew_rpg. Aaron is the son of Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott, sixth year Gryffindor Prefect, and overall a very responsible and Nice Boy.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: The Longbottoms are a close-knit family, so I would love to see some of Aaron's siblings in play!

    The majority of them are out of school: Alice is the oldest at 20 and often gets hit on by Teddy Lupin, who works at The Leaky Cauldron. She even hit him with a frying pan once.

    Colin and Mattthew are both former Quidditch Chasers who just graduated from Hogwarts last year. They tend to pick on Aaron a bit and get along well with James Potter, who knows what it's like to have a war hero for a father.

    If you'd prefer a school age character, Emily is a fourth year Gryffindor, and I'm sure her dormmates Lily Potter and Amanda Hunter would love to have another fourthie around. With Aaron as a Prefect and their father as Herbology professor and Gryffindor Head of House, she always has someone keeping an eye on her.

    (And though she isn't playable, in interest of full disclosure: Susan at 9 is the baby of the family, just waiting for the day she gets to go to Hogwarts as all her brothers and sisters have before her.)

    Game to join: [info]bravenew_rpg via [info]bravenew_mod. In true Hogwarts style, there's always something exciting going on -- the school is still shaken from the death of Hufflepuff beater Bruce Poke in mid-January and now many parents are trying to get rid of Quidditch altogether. As if that wasn't enough excitement, auditions for the spring musical (Grease) start tomorrow, and the Astronomy Club is busy finalizing the plans for the Ball Under the Stars, which takes place on Valentine's Day.

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