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Sep. 17th, 2014


So I hear we have some warriors here. Consider this open auditions to show off your bad assery. Anyone who thinks they're a capable pilot or warrior can sign up here for a little party the rebellion is planning. Details will be given to you after we sort out the groups.

Your other option is to sit home and watch the grass grow.

Sep. 9th, 2014


[SHIELD Agents & Avengers]
I'd like to have a word, if I might.

Sep. 4th, 2014


All right, so, I have been here for some time now. I've yet to find a good reason to join this war that's happening.

Would someone care to explain to me what this war is about and why I, a stranger to this world, should care about it?


Network Post; Mara Krimsen

I was missing the Festival of Stars celebrations on Coruscant, but when I was in town today I realized they're having some here, so if you're interested in a lot of alcohol, street dancing, various fireworks that poorly attempt to look like the night sky, and a celebration of space travel, there's a march tomorrow night, and parties in various bars and clubs most of the weekend to kick off the Festival.

[Filter: Jasper Sitwell]
You look alive to me.

[Filter: Mon Mothma]
I heard some intelligence that might be useful.

Sep. 3rd, 2014


There is nothing worse than double agents, and I do not have time for whatever games the "Clairvoyant" has in mind. I refuse to play your game. You should have killed me when you had the chance.


I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.


Um...Cap'n...where'd you take us to this time?

Sep. 2nd, 2014


[Filtered to Klaus]
So hey.


For those who might be interested in learning, or improving, skills in close combat I'll be offering one-on-one sessions. First come first serve. If you sign up, know that you can get hurt but you will learn to defend yourself. If you have weapons you'd like to use, feel free to bring them.

[Luke Skywalker]
Happy now? I want a couple weapons in return.


Man this place is boring. I seriously need a drink and a good time. Anyone care to join me?

[Private to Leia, Luke and Wedge]
Hello. My name is Kardiara Hextar. I'm a friend of Cyon's. I've recently come across some information that I think you should know about. I've vetted it myself, and I know it's genuine. So if you're interested in scoring some bacta, let me know.

[Private to Han]
Try not to piss yourself when you hear about the score I made, Solo.

[Private to Cyon]
So finally got this all settled. Ready for some trouble?

Sep. 1st, 2014


So this is Naboo? Who names a planet that? It sounds like it should be a cartoon animal or something. Anyway I'm Peter and I just got here but I don't know how. I was on my ship minding my own business and now I'm on Naboo.

So how do you do, Naboo?


[Filtered to Maria Hill, Tony Stark]
So didn't want to interrupt the reunion, but this is fun.
[Filtered to Mara Krimsen]
Do I need to intro with a casual observation about caf? Because I can go wash a mug and make one.


I am Loki, son of Odin, King of Asgard, Protector of the Nine Realms.

I have been brought here against my right and my will, and I would appreciate being extended the great kindness of an explanation for my capture, before I find the means to take it from you.


Alright, I've been on this rock entirely too long. Gettin' a bit antsy. You all worked out a way off this rock? Lovely as it is, I'm better suited in a grungy old cockpit with some poor food waitin' for me in a diner.

So what's the current status on getting off this piece? I'll help where I can but I ain't the time and dimensional type.


Hello to everyone again, especially my flatmates, have not met you all yet. Odd that, my fault really I've been terribly busy doing plenty of other things. But I do apologize for all of the noise, I'm attempting to build a thing that might bring my ship here. Not coming together as well as I'd like, so it's not really a thing I suppose; well, I suppose it's a thing, just a thing without definition, so therefore maybe not a thing?

Do things require definition to be a thing? Not really sure.

Like my colleague, Sandshoes below me, I too would like to get a run down on the 'other' things that have been happening around here. Is there someone in charge I could speak to in person? I really do not like this thing. Not very personable.

Aug. 31st, 2014


All right. Now that I've settled in, who do I talk to for further information, hm? What happened to bring us all here this planet--lovely place by the way--because I would very much like to fix that. Like the flat I've been given, I suppose, but it's still just a flat. Not my thing. Don't have a thing. Prefer the non-having of thingy thing things.

I understand there's quite a lot else going on, which is precisely why it's brilliant I am here. I like all that 'else' business.

Aug. 30th, 2014


So I am curious, there was an offer recently about learning to fly ships here. I'll need that knowledge if I wish to travel to other planets Is that offer still available? I'm very interested in it now.

Aug. 28th, 2014


I feel terrible. I think I've caught some kind of...something. If anyone needs me, I will be in my quarters. dying.

Aug. 25th, 2014


I don't know what sort of ridiculousness this whole thing is, but it's about to give me all sorts of fits. Anyone mind telling me where my damn ship is, where my crew is, and just who's at fault so I can give them a proper introduction?


[Private to Cyon]

Cyon! Please tell me you're still on this muddy rock. I really don't think I have the time to track you all over the damn galaxy...

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