July 7th, 2014

[info]petraarkanian in [info]galaxymisc

Truth Meme!


We have a lot of characters being introduced and to get an idea of some of the more interesting things about them and which ones would click nicely/cause major drama, I'm starting this meme!

You comment once for each of your characters, with their name in the subject. Then other characters will respond to ask questions, which your character must respond to truthfully! Since this is OOC/meta, you can also use a non-RP journal for you the player to ask other people's characters questions if you want! (this works well for finding out people's headcanons and asking the questions that your characters wouldn't think of.)

I'm sure you all know, but just in case - OOC knowledge IC knowledge and this is just for fun, so please don't bring anything mentioned here into the game.

Otherwise - have fun!