Gakuen Heaven on IJ

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Gakuen Heaven on IJ


August 16th, 2008

As Thought & The Still

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Well, I've just now gotten into writing fic for Gakuen Heaven, which definitely explains why I've only written two. *G*

Title: As Thought
Fandom: Gakuen Heaven
Pairing: Nakajima/Taki
Word Count: 558
Rating/warnings: R for some non-con action.
Notes/Disclaimer: Hahaha, so yeah. I just want to see if I actually have their voices down or if I should go back to the drawing board (particularly with Nakajima - characters like him kind of leave me befuddled). Also, not mine, don't own, not making money.

( As Thought )

Title: The Still
Author: [info]nanthimus
Fandom/Pairing: Gakuen Heaven - Omi/Kaoru
Rating: G (light boy's love)
Word Count: 459
Theme: Pleasure (for [info]thematic_fandom)

( The Still )
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