Jan. 16th, 2011


RP: The morning after

Who: Tracey Davis, Charlie Weasley, a questionable amount of Davis/Gallagher family members
When: Sunday, 16 January 2000
Where: Tracey's flat above the pub, Ireland
What: Tracey felt challenged by Charlie in their owls. Last night, she rose to the challenge.
Rating: PG 13 (for partial though innocent nudity and cursing over sports)
Status: Complete

Charlie was maybe getting too old for this. )

Jan. 15th, 2011


owl: dear chuckles

Who: Tracey Davis, Charlie Weasley
When: Saturday, 15 January 2000
Where: Gallagher's Pub, Donegal, Ireland
Summary: There's a certain ginger dragon nanny on Tracey's mind.
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

owl post )

Jan. 7th, 2011


rp: a pint or six

Who: Tracey Davis, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley
When: Friday, 7 January 2000
Where: Gallagher's Pub, Donegal, Ireland
Summary: Tracey tends bar on Friday night, and Weasleys are more than welcome
Rating: TBD
Status: In-Progress

What are you having? )

Jan. 1st, 2011


RP: Hair of the crup

Who: Charlie Weasley, Tracey Davis, open
When: Midafternoon, 1 Jan 2000
Where: The Leaky, Diagon Alley
Summary: Libations after libations. Who decided the proper way to ring in the new year was whilst blind drunk? Tracey and Charlie are kindred spirits, as they learn in the pub while recovering from New Years.
Rating: PG13 for now, most likely language
Status: Complete- unless someone should wander in while Charlie is finishing up.

Being home was wearing on Charlie. He dealt with it by drinking. Copiously. )