F.F.F. - Funny Fan Fiction

October 21st, 2007

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F.F.F - Funny Fan Fiction


October 21st, 2007

Rec: LOTRPS: Bill/Dom

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I was going to rec this one a while back and forgot.  Hyacinth_sky747 (LJ) has written a perfectly characterized little ficlet using little besides snappy dialogue, which, because it's the hobbits, is quite funny and snarky.  Four Hotel Rooms and a Backseat.  Rating: rather silly and sweet


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I've been told by someone who is probably a lot more wise than I that when you have a community, only the mod can invent new tags for posts.  So this entry here is just going to be a bookmark I guess.  If anybody besides me actually wants to post stuff here, and you want a tag that doesn't exist, you can comment here and I shall add whatever tags you want post-haste.

Also,  PENIS.

I just wanted to say that.
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