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Fic: Why Did the Golden Pair Fail? [Oct. 19th, 2006|01:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |melancholy]
[Current Music |Kazuki - Vampire]

Title: Why Did the Golden Pair Fail?
Author: [info]kalamitykat
Fandom: TeniMyu
Pairing: Adachi-centered, pairings mentioned or implied: Endou/Yanagi, Shirota/Endou/Yanagi, Wada/Araki, Zukki/Kaji
Length: One-shot
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None, unless slash squicks you… If so, I have no idea why you’re reading this. O_o; Also, not-betaed. ;_;
Notes: This is my take on why Adachi and Zukki were such a disappointment to the Golden Pair fangirls. Also, it’s dedicated to all the Zukki/Kaji fangirls, because let’s face it… Their love is so true! And Zukki has good taste when it comes to men. ♥
As always, dedicated to Kim. ♥♥♥
Disclaimer: The D-Boys are, obviously, real people, so this is merely a piece of fanfiction (i.e. completely made up by a slash-obsessed fangirl). There is no proof whatsoever that any of the boys is gay or even bisexual, and there’s even less proof that they are anything like they are described below personality-wise—that is based on pure speculation and more wishful thinking than you can imagine can fit into a head of a fangirl. No insult whatsoever is meant to these talented boys, because trust me I adore them beyond what is considered healthy. I don’t know whether the copyright infringement part fits into a RPS disclaimer, but if so, none is intended. Spread the D-Boys love. ♥

Why Did the Golden Pair Fail? )

I know this reads more like a summary than an actual fic, but dammit, I'm sick and tired of looking at it on my computer, so here it is. Plus, this is my sucky way of writing, so there. >_>;
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