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November 18th, 2010

[info]maps_neila in [info]ftgg_players

neila's posters

Woo! Okay peeps, I'm gonna be gone tonight to see the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows: Part One, but I wanted to drop a line real fast.

Neila is going to be putting up her posters tonight. They'll be hung up in Muggle-areas of London. There are two of them.

One is a painting of Grindelwald, done in reds and blacks, with the words "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" and the other is of Buckingham Palace, in blues and yellows, with the words "England for the Queen".

I'm going to make a post with her putting them up for Vlad to find her but other than that I'd really rather that at least this time no one sees her do it, unless you'd like your characters to have some vague "a woman in black" sightings, that's cool. Comment to let me know that you want that. They'll be hung up pretty late at night/early in morning so if you're character is actually out during that time we can work something out.

If you want your characters to react that's cool or they can ignore the posters. I just wanted to give the option and let you all know what's up with PAM atm.