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August 11th, 2010

[info]maps_jocelyn in [info]ftgg_players

Please excuse my slowness

Hi guys.

This is Jess. I just wanted to let everyone know I kind of overbooked myself with threads. I am (and was) so excited for the new characters, interactions, plot potential, CR that could be built and explored, I really just made any thread the other writer was willing to make. That may have been a slight mistake. While I want to do every single thread I agreed to and am tagging back as fast as I can while still trying to give decent and worthy tags in return for the excellent ones I am getting, I may be a little slow in tagging back. Please, please do not take this as a sign I do not want to scene or am ignoring you in any way. I plan to finish everything and am excited to do so.

But if I don't tag you back in 24 hours, I want you to know that my gmail likes to eat my LJ notifications sometimes, so I don't get them (therefore might not have even got your tag to me) or lost a tag somewhere in transit. So please feel free to poke me whether by email (cynicaldreamer86@gmail.com) or IM (Aim: cynicaldreamer86) to let me know I might have missed a tag. Please. Never hestitate, actually to do this. And once September rolls around I should have less threads until I fill up the month and should be better after that.

I was just so excited for the new players I got ahead of myself. It's all about the love for the new characters, really, and really more of a compliment than anything. So please be patient and don't be afraid to remind me. Or to come to me for new threads down the line (like for September ^_~)

Thank you,
(writer of Mod controlled: Gellert; Bellatrix, Cormac, Jocelyn, Macnair, Maddox, Malachi, Mandy, Oliver; Muggles; Evan and Teagan)

[info]maps_fenrir in [info]ftgg_players

Two things:

1- For Fenrir, I've noticed people keep IMing me asking for plot with Fenrir, either with current plot or back plot. Since I know I'm away from AIM when I'm at work, I went ahead and posted a plot post for him here. That or e-mail is a good way to contact me if you want Greyback up in your character's business.

Also, some people have asked about back story with with him. Basically, as long as I see it as being IC any time you need a werewolf in your background (either to have attacked your character or someone close to your character) you don't even have to ask for permission to have that werewolf be Greyback. Just tell me what you want and I'll pretty much go along with it. Anything that makes his reputation well deserved is good in my book. The only stuff I'd not be okay with would be like, saying your character is his long lost love or something, but I really don't see that being a problem in this game.

2- For Ron, Ginny's b-day present from Ron is tickets to a game. I figure Quidditch is a weekend kind of sport so while ideally we'd do it this weekend I'm going to be away this weekend for my Dad's 50th birthday (we're having a party and then going camping for a few days) so I'm thinking we'll say the weekend after that, which would be like the 20th/21st?

[info]maps_cormac in [info]ftgg_players

Ships of Characters in Play

To go along with the list of sexual orientation of the characters in play here is a list of the ships in play or planned. Might help with building some connections and CR between characters/players? Feel free to comment if your character gets in a ship or a ship breaks up. (Italicized characters are those not in play, but in a ship of some sort nonetheless.)

Read more... )

[info]maps_mirela in [info]ftgg_players

C-Sheet Mirela Albescu

Meet Mirela )

[info]maps_james in [info]ftgg_players

Character Sheet: James Potter

About the Writer:
Name/Alias: Emmy
Email: panramakayii@gmail.com
AIM and/or Y!IM: ewanwuver
Time Zone: est
Availability for playing: night

James Potter )

[info]maps_draco in [info]ftgg_players

So Im going to take a leaf out of Mel's book, and throw this post up.

Since we've had a ton of new kids come in, and I dont want to miss anyone, this is going to be Draco and Nymphadora's official plot post! : )

If anyone wants to throw down some plot or backstory with my kidlets, toss me a post and we'll work something out <3.

Draco's character sheet is here
Dora's character sheet is here

<3 Kristin