January 31st, 2017

[info]frontlines in [info]frontlinesooc

project: ascension & mal job descriptions.

P:A & MAL job descriptions )

[info]frontlines in [info]frontlinesooc

last-minute notes & reminders.

Hello players! Thank you for your participation in the pre-game memes and plotting. We hope that people continue to go back to the intros, NPC plotting, and Rogues & Missions posts as inspiration strikes, and if you have not yet commented to the P:A and MAL jobs post, you may find it helpful.

Please don't stop posting all those backstory logs and narratives you've been hard at work on! There's no time limit on those, and backstory is always, always welcome. We just wanted to give you a head-start.

Before the game officially starts, we want to provide a few reminders & clarifications for your convenience. )