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Jan. 2nd, 2018


Texts to the Russo/Davenport clan (including Pat), Sol, Espo, and Joy )

Dec. 27th, 2017


TO: Joy Barros (Work)
FROM: Peyton Russo
[1] I submit my travel requests to you, right?
[2] What are the chances of getting approval to head to Fiji this upcoming weekend through the 2nd?

TO: Family (Annette, Alexa, Heath, Paul)
FROM: Peyton
[1] Going out of town for the weekend.

Oct. 7th, 2017


WHO: David Morretti, Ari Rouvas, Alexa Russo and Ricky Bueno
WHAT: Dave and Ari enlist Alexa in helping them with some weird electrical issues in their apartment.
WHEN: Saturday Afternoon, October 7th, 2017.
WHERE: Casa de Throuple
WARNINGS: Swears. Nudity. Sads.
TLDR: He back.

I need a butter knife. )

Sep. 30th, 2017



TO: Ari, Alexa
[1] hi Alexa this is Dave Moretti
[2] im sry 2 bother u but were having some weird electrical stuff at our apt
[3] like
[4] really weird

Sep. 25th, 2017


Early Morning Texts!

Texts to: Paul and Alexa; Patrick; Joy; Espo )


Texts (backdate to yesterday evening)

[Mae Archer]

[1] Hey Mae, it's Alexa
[2] I saw the news
[3] I just wanted to say I'm sorry


[1] Hey
[2] So this is.. a lot


[1] Where are you?
[2] Did you see the news?


[1] Hey!
[2] So this weekend is a lot..
[3] Do you wanna get some food?

Sep. 6th, 2017


WHO: Davenports (Alexa, Heath, Paul & Patrick)
WHAT: An atavization~
WHEN: Wednesday, September 6th
WHERE: A deli in Manhattan
WARNINGS: See: who. Some accidental force fields related breakage of glass.
NOTES: Meant to post this earlier, but it's been beastly at work; sorry!

That’s what he thought this was about? )

Aug. 31st, 2017



[1] Um hey
[2] How are you?
[3]I'm sorry I didn't tell you

[1] Did you see the bulletin?


Aug. 30th, 2017


WHO: Mei Jones, Alexa Russo, Nero Decorso, Noah Sinclair
WHAT: Origin story of an animal shapeshifter~
WHEN: Late afternoon, Tuesday, August 29
WHERE: Central Park zoo

I'll take the sea lion. )

Aug. 13th, 2017



TO: Alexa, Paul, Peyton
(1) We're having a family meeting
(2) I'm on my way to your apartment
(3) You both need to be there within the next half hour, no excuses.

Aug. 12th, 2017



TO: Ken, Ksenia
(1) ty again for letting me stay at your place for a couple days!
(2) it was good that i left when i did cause i got a little sick after getting home!
(3) from the jet lag induced lack of sleep, i guess
(4) but if i'm forced to eat
(5) any
(6) more
(7) okayu
(8) i may actually die.

TO: Alexa
(1) hey!
(2) i'm back :)
(3) wanna hang out? i feel so behind!

Aug. 10th, 2017



TO: Roge
[1] Headline from the NY Times:
[2] "Scientists report breakthrough in gene-edited piglets that may open the way for organ transplants from human to animals"
[3] What if P:A starts injecting pigs with atavist blood

TO: Sol
[1] Is your other best friend plotting my murder?
[2] Just need to know when to make myself scarce.

TO: Alexa
[1] much should we tell uncle Heath about Mom and Dad

Jul. 20th, 2017


LOG: Ricky Bueno and Alexa Russo

WHO: Alexa Russo and Ricky Bueno
WHAT: Alexa's got herself an off the books mentor.
WHEN: Thursday, July 19
WHERE: Casa de Throuple, Hell's Kitchen
WARNINGS: Shocking developments!

You seen this show Avatar? It's like an anime for kids or something... )

Jul. 12th, 2017



TO: Paul Davenport
FROM: Hal Rothman
[1] I'm so fucking bored
[2] Do you want to rent a Ford Focus and do donuts?

FROM: Hal Rothman
[1] Has Sharon ever mentioned Ralph Fiennes to you

TO: Annie Alston
FROM: Hal Rothman
[1] Has Sharon ever mentioned Ralph Fiennes to you

TO: Alexa Russo
FROM: Hal Rothman
[1] Has Sharon ever mentioned Ralph Fiennes to you
[2] Sorry wrong contact.
[3] You can tell that to your boyfriend if he asks

TO: Lev Sanford
FROM: Hal Rothman
[1] Look outside.
[2] There it is again
[3] It's fucking ruining the neighborhood

Jul. 1st, 2017



TO (individually): Dora, Rose, Garret, Paul, Alexa, Ruby
FROM: Lito

[1] Good morning everyone
[2] Still at GI
[3] But continuously conscious
[4] I'll let you know when I'm out

Jun. 25th, 2017


bored texting while convalescing.

TO: Alexa
[1] Sorry I missed your birthday celebration 😣
[2] I was kinda indisposed
[3] I hope you had a great one nonetheless
[4] When you're free, let me know. I've got your present with me. 😉

TO: C. Brennan 💪
[1] I'm assuming from the fact that I haven't heard otherwise that you're hale and hearty. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
[2] So. How bad is the loss/damage from the fire?
[3] I managed to salvage my laptop and guitar and that was about it.
[4] RIP. Pinball machine.

TO: Trey's friends (feel free to tag yourself)
[1] I'm out of the hospital and doing well everyone.
[2] Thanks for the concern and sorry for worrying everyone in the first place. 😳
[3] I'll be putting up at my sister's place temporarily until I find something more permanent.

TO: Janet Huang - assuming he got her number from Ken
[1] I hear I owe you bigtime.
[2] I hope you didn't get yourself hurt from helping me.
[3] What would cut it for a 'thank you for saving my life' gift, do you think?

Jun. 23rd, 2017


Left on Alexa's bed Friday morning )


WHO: Alexa Russo & Friends
WHAT: Barhopping Birthday!
WHERE: Various baseline bars, Rooster and Throwback
WHEN: Friday night starting around 9 p.m.

Come have some fun, Alexa's turning 21! )



TO: Alexa
[1] Happy birthday
[2] 🎉 🎂 🎊
[3] Your present is in the kitchen.

TO: Sol
[1] Hey
[2] How are you doing?

TO: Desmond
(ultimately unsent)
[x] How much do you know?
[x] Explain yourself.

TO: Elias
[1] It's Alexa's birthday, you should come to her party.
[2] ShotsbyLMFAO.mp3
[3] (My phone suggested I send that, so...there you go)

Jun. 18th, 2017


WHO: Alexa Russo
WHAT: A father's day tradition.
WHEN: Late Sunday night
WHERE: Her bedroom

But it was different now. She knew how to reach him. )

Jun. 15th, 2017


WHO: Alexa & Peyton Russo
WHAT: Girl's Day
WHEN: Thursday, June 15
WHERE: Serenity Spa in midtown Manhattan

It’s nice having all of you here, even if it’s not under the best circumstances )

Jun. 13th, 2017


> Texts.

[Paul & Rogelio]

[1] Hi. When are you recording again?
[2] I need to know for.. reasons.


[1] How do you like atagram?
[2] Elias isn't a stripper though


[1] Hey!
[2] This is Alexa
[3] We met at the unicorn party??

Jun. 10th, 2017


texts from Trey in the last week

TO: G 💃
[1] I'm only saying this to pre-empt the 'I told you so'
[2] You were right.
[3] It was, in fact, a date.

TO: Ken
[X] are there guidelines for when next to text after a
[1] I had fun last Friday.
[2] I hope you did too?.
[3] Do you have time again this weekend?

TO: Lio 🍕
[1] Funny story.
[2] I went on a date.

TO: Alexa
[1] Hey.
[2] Haven't seen you come by in awhile. How are you?
[3] I hope finals went better for you than they did for me.

May. 29th, 2017



TO: Eddie
[1] That was fun.
[2] Sorry I had to kick you out early, I had training

TO: Paul
[1] Get home all right?
[2] I met Desmond.

TO: Alexa
[1] Get home all right?
[2] Did you end up taking a car home?

TO: Lev
[1] What are you doing today?
[2] I'm making some steaks at home if you want to come over.
[3] Low-key holiday, in this weather.

May. 28th, 2017



[MOM ❤️]
(sent in spurts early Sunday morning during/after the party)
[1] Hii mom i ❤️ you
[2] im hvingso much fun!
[3] [insert mostly sober selfie]
[4] 🦄🦄

[5] okk im home safee
[6] dnw
[7] luv u nite
[8] or mrning lol
[9] 😴😴

May. 26th, 2017


WHO: Lito Peréz & Alexa Russo
WHAT: Attempts at power control
WHEN: BACKDATED — After this
WHERE: Lito & Fran's apartment

If creepy robots and Lito were the answer to her problems, so be it )

May. 24th, 2017


TO: Alexa D
FROM: Gordon B

[1] What are ur plans next weekend?

May. 14th, 2017



TO: Mom
[1] Happy Mother's Day
[2] ❤️, Your favorite son

TO: Alexa
[1] You put my name on Mom's gift too, right?

TO: Sol
[1] So when are we going to Jersey City again?

TO: Joe
[1] Do you want to be on my podcast?
[2] Doesn't pay, but
[3] You get to hang out with me...

[from the burner phone]
TO: P.D.
Do you actually need a humidifier?

Apr. 26th, 2017


in the right comm this time

WHO: Paul Davenport & Alexa Russo
WHAT: Sibling bonding time ♥
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Their apartment

Can you tell me anything that isn't you yelling at me? )

Apr. 7th, 2017


WHO: Alexa Russo & Oliver Bryant
WHAT: Alexa is less than thrilled by her new superpowered life.
WHEN: Early afternoon of 4/7
WHERE: Governors Island
WARNINGS Discussion of recent atavization.

“Can’t I just… not use them?” )

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February 2018




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