June 9th, 2017

[info]rhodesrunner in [info]frontlinesic

ATAGRAMS; 8/6/17 )

[info]refracts in [info]frontlinesic

WHO: Paul Davenport & Elias Lowe.
WHAT: THE AFTERMATH OF THE UNICORN PARTY. Will Elias remember what he did? Will Paul ever be less awkward?
WHEN: Thurs night. 8 June 2017.
WHERE: A bar.

Paul knew intellectually that he was reading way too far into Elias's invitation to hang out, but that didn't stop him from doing it anyway. )

[info]recollect in [info]frontlinesic

WHO: Annie Alston & Paul Davenport
WHAT: A run-in at the Unicorn Party
WHEN: May 27th (Backdated!)
WHERE: Annie’s parent’s townhouse UES
WARNINGS: language & a wasted white girl

Would he wake up the next morning to find himself in a tub of ice with a note that said, GET TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY? )

[info]aligner in [info]frontlinesic

Your friend, Gordon Bellamy, has recently joined Atagram. )

Reposted due to lack of reply )

[info]portalup in [info]frontlinesic

[Texts to Isaac]

[1] Help!!!!
[2] How do I look at that atagram thing??
[3] I've tried a bunch and I can't find it even
[4] I found normal instagram not the atavist one
[5] :( can't see everyone's nice pictures

Atagram a few hours later )

[info]compel in [info]frontlinesic

WHO: Xavier & Christophe Levesque
WHAT: A bit of backstory, a bit of now
WHEN: Past → Present
WHERE: Here, there, and everywhere (ending in NYC)
WARNINGS: Language, panic attacks, mentions of violence, non-con possession

It was a little bit like a fawn attempting to headbutt a boulder. )

[info]lekarz in [info]frontlinesic

WHO: Karolina Wójcik
WHAT: Snapshots of a life before and after being atavised.
WHEN:From the age of eight, to yesterday afternoon.
WHERE: Places everywhere.
WARNINGS: Suspected panic attacks, slight gore, anxiety.

Whatever it was living under her skin now, lives in the place she once kept her courage. )

[info]anamneses in [info]frontlinesic

TO: Desmond M
FROM: Oliver
[1] [ image downloading ]
[2] Happy birthday, Desmond!

TO: Luka
FROM: Olly
[1] You've been quiet
[2] Confirm you're alive by sending me strawberry shortcake
[3] Or a cherry galette
[4] I'm not picky

TO: Ken
FROM: Olly
[1] What did you get Kacey for her birthday?
[2] And has she made any noises about places she wants to go for brunch to you?

TO: Matt
FROM: Olly
[1] Hey 😊
[2] Plans tomorrow?

TO: Garret
FROM: Olly
[x] Are you ever going to

[info]nowoods in [info]frontlinesic

atagram for 06.09.17 )

[info]lev in [info]frontlinesic


[info]intuitio in [info]frontlinesic

WHO: Camila Delgado, Ksenia Sokolova & Nash Driver
WHAT: Camila takes the wrong person to see Ksyu perform. Oops.
WHEN: Friday, June 9th
WHERE: Some event center somewhere in Manhattan
WARNINGS: A lot of stupid and a tiny bit of language.

Oh, hi Nash. )

[info]hoshinoken in [info]frontlinesic

WHO: Ken Jones & Trey Waltz
WHAT: Is it a date? Is it not a date? Trey decides to find out
WHEN: Backdated to June 2
WHERE: C&G Sushi Restaurant
WARNINGS: It’s adorable tbh.

This thing we’re doing: it might be considered dating. Is it? Are we doing that? )

February 2018



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