January 15th, 2010

[info]watchfuleye in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Hayley and William
When: Wednesday
Where: Hayley's office
What: The inevitable

It was ironic that after more than a week of avoiding Hayley and her clipboard, William was now seeking her out, but he had his reasons. His reasons, to date, included Spencer, Patrick, Mikey and Gerard, and he was worried that they would keep increasing.

There were staff members coming down with amnesia all over the castle, and no one so far had been able to find cause or cure. Then again, no one else knew that there was an Obliviation specialist present interviewing said staff members for mysterious reasons known presumably only to the Ministry, either. No one except for William.

Hayley's door was open. William closed it behind him and said, "We need to talk."

[info]watchfuleye in [info]from_the_ashes

[owl to Nate Novarro]

[in response to this]

Mr. Novarro,

I must say I'm surprised to hear your report, considering how highly esteemed Botollinger is among scholarly witches and wizards of a certain generation. In fact, of the many texts in which he is referenced, I can't remember even one of them ever calling him anything like an obtuse windbag of epic proportions filled with arrogant pomposity.

I'll take your suggestion for a new subsection of the library under consideration, although my concern is that once the students find out such a thing exists and clamour to vote for their own selections, it will expand until there is nothing left on any other shelf and the stacks crack under the weight.

I don't know how Auror Way fits into any of this, but I shall do my best to distract him with wild gesticulation and invented crises, should he appear to be heading in that direction.

The Benevolent Dictator