January 14th, 2010

[info]lzzr in [info]from_the_ashes

WHO: Adam and Mikey
WHERE: top of the Astronomy Tower
WHAT: Teenage boys. Nefarious substances. Hormones. Yeah.
WHEN: Friday night (11/13)

Adam was pretty sure he was hovering somewhere between sixteen and seventeen. He was missing tattoos and scars and none of his clothes fit anymore, and he couldn't stand to look at himself in the mirror. The worst part, though, is that he could remember being an adult - which he was now clearly not - and none of his friends seemed to have the ability.

It sucked. And when things sucked, there were steps one could take to make them not suck anymore. And Adam had noticed some shady kids lurking around Hogwarts - at least ones shady enough to suit his needs. Then he went to find Mikey.

He lurked through the halls (he kind of felt like he was Out After Curfew, because he was seriously, like, sixteen, and it sucked because he'd already mastered his hormones and here they were, going crazy, telling him that he totally needed to just find someone to curl up with) and finally made his way to Mikey's room. And, well, hopefully Mikey was in. And could remember anything about him. At all.